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  1. ~untitled~

    Teaching Prac!

    Im pretty sure the SPINS program has allowed me to realise how very much i don't want to become a teacher.
  2. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Thatd probably be good. I dont know where the exchange is, but sure. Warners bay sounds good. This is ofcourse only if i manage to get a job between now and then, lolmaccas interview next friday.
  3. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Ah, im pretty sure you are.
  4. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    The "SPINS" program. Speech pathologists in schools. Hence i spend half of every friday this term sitting listening to little kindy kids read. Theyre kindve cute but its increadibly frustrating reading with them. Lol, sept 13 sounds good, i might be able to actually learn how to read a bus...
  5. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Lol theres a $1 shop at warners bay. Its shit though, went in there to try and find stickers for my kindy kids but they didnt even have any... seriously, what kindve a shit $1 shop doesent sell stickers.
  6. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Weve got to blame someone :P possibly could have, my phone is know for not giving me my messages until half an hour after theyre sent lol.
  7. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    calm down kids. Im pretty sure emily didnt txt me until after half time anyways, and i would have (maybe) organised something only i thought emily was organising.
  8. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Lol, where were you guys actually sitting. i was on the southern hill. Im pretty sure i wouldnt have been able to find yas anyway. Was sooo freezing, next time i bring 6 blankets and 3 scarves. How sad were the little 6 year old skanky dancers.
  9. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Sounds logical. Ellen! I did the OMA tute today. We missed out on the little torches =( coz there wasnt enough to go around. Lol, the jar of honey was dated to 2006 so we decided to skip it so we just played with the candles. The room stunk of smoke when we left :P.
  10. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Uni from 9-7 with only one hour off, i dont particularly want to go out either.
  11. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Loljets cant believe my friends have actually convinced me to spend my money on soccer
  12. ~untitled~

    stupid journals

    A lot of the time there is like a list of journal articles in the back of textbooks/ library books and stuff, you could try looking through the list to try and find anything relevent then search for the full article online.
  13. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Which are we actually talking about going to? Im fine for either i guess.
  14. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Lol, the saying is "great minds think alike"
  15. ~untitled~

    Should I do Music?

    HSC music is A LOT different to school certificate music. If you didnt do music for 9/10 then i wouldnt suggest doing music 2 because chances are it will be too difficult for you, however if you do play the guitar well then music 1 should be fine, the theory in the course will be easy enough...
  16. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Hahaha, oral examinations and looking in peoples mouths.
  17. ~untitled~

    Does God exist?

    Quite clearly we all came from the cabbage patch
  18. ~untitled~

    ITT: I propose a probably sub-par Newcastle Bos Meat.

    Haha, indeed. Cant wait to play around in peoples mouths, its going to be such jolly good fun. Did anyone in your group have a tongue tie?