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  1. michael1990

    general cafs thoughts

    Girlfriend said it was the easiest test ever. Even if people didn't actually do the subject they could still pass.
  2. michael1990

    ;3 Advice on my subject selections Year 11. Thanks x infinite :D

    Doing Economics via distance Ed is a bad idea. I would suggest you do not do it via distance Ed
  3. michael1990

    did u choose globalisation or $A

    This is exactly what i did!
  4. michael1990


    Depending on your employed status. If you're a casual they can call you whenever they like. But you don't have to say yes, i don't see the problem. If you signed up to work and they ring and ask you to work, why wouldn't you want to go to work or just say no? Or yes i can work later?
  5. michael1990

    Subject Selection Help..?

    For starters Textiles and Food Tech both scale badly. Now for Business or Bio. I love Business and thought it was the easiest subject by far, just a lot of memorising. Bio is a harder subject to me as i don't like science. Why don't you speak to your Social Science staffroom about Business...
  6. michael1990

    ;3 Advice on my subject selections Year 11. Thanks x infinite :D

    Said and pick up a science. For your subjects. I like them. Remember to put in place a study program now and you will have no trouble. Economics will be the hardest for you to study for out of Legal and Eco but Eco scales much better, make sure you like your subjects in the begining.
  7. michael1990

    where do you work?

    Oh sweet. I did a few training shifts there. + Um... what was her name, for loyality training, she is your assistant manager. or was she came out to us. It was hilarious and fun.
  8. michael1990

    What's everyone doing to celebrate?

    You have to sign out of school?
  9. michael1990

    What's everyone doing to celebrate?

    Getting so drunk at every 18th and going to the city and spending time with the girlfriend :)
  10. michael1990

    where do you work?

    Sweet which Greater Union?
  11. michael1990

    favourite topic of Business Studies course

    Financial Planning and Management. Also Global was cool.
  12. michael1990

    did u choose globalisation or $A

    I gathered the same thoughts from reading around the Eco threads.
  13. michael1990

    Sections III, IV : Extended Response

    I also like both. But i choose fiscal cause i thought i could write heaps more. I also choose Globalisation essay.
  14. michael1990

    General Thoughts - Economics

    Loved extended responses. 2 questions in short answers made me think. and Multiple choice questions from 10+ were tricky.
  15. michael1990

    did u choose globalisation or $A

    Globalisation Baby!
  16. michael1990

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    The probability of an event is less than or equal to 1 (certain) So 450/1200 is 0.375.
  17. michael1990

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    Pierre Cardin Black Contempory Suit. Is sweet. With like a pin stripe of light black. (not quite dark grey) White shirt (patterned) Black and silver watch Guess watch Black and white bow tie Black belt and silver/dark grey buckle.
  18. michael1990

    why is the $A depreciating?

    But now that Rudd has been spending the supluses we are going to be in huge debt in like 2020 due to the 'baby boomers'. 96bn is how much it is going to cost the government. (not totally sure on date)
  19. michael1990

    P Plater demerit points.

    I believe if the police deemed you unsafe they could take your licence. What did they say to you? This is the demerits point scheme. I am actually curious as to whether the 12-15 points applies to...