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  1. michael1990

    Help.. Expense Ratio.

    Sean, You could also do: x (any form of expense)/Revenue (sales) This could give you a wide range of things to compare. eg. Marketing costs, COGS, Wages etc...
  2. michael1990

    Quick question on N.P

    The formula is (Net Profit/Revenue) x100/1 So techniqually it should be 20%. Or 0.2:1 expressed as a ratio. In financial planning and management they use decimals not fractions. You can't say its one fifth of a dollar to $1 just doesn't make sense.
  3. michael1990

    Help with QANTAS niche and mass markets

    You stupid fuck. It was months ago. And i am intitled to ask a question. I think its time you become a realist? Or stay in your little 'hidey hole' cause no one wants to hear from you anyway.
  4. michael1990

    Case studies

    Is one of your parents a Test Maker for Economics? (HSC) Wait, they can't be. So its all based on guess work.
  5. michael1990

    Which financial ratios are better to be high and low?

    Yes sorry this is what i meant. But do you now understand?
  6. michael1990

    Which financial ratios are better to be high and low?

    Incorrect. It is a measure of the business's long-term financial stability. It gives an indication of how risk it is to buy shares or invest in the business, so owners and shares will be most interested in the gearing ratio. The higher the ratio or percentage, the more financially unstable the...
  7. michael1990

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    Thats me
  8. michael1990

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    I didn't know this question either. But i came to the conclusion that because include was there. It was 2. Because its at the start of a word. But please correct me if i am incorrect.
  9. michael1990

    Which financial ratios are better to be high and low?

    This is incorrect. When solvency increases it just means 'A company's ability to meet its financial obligations on time'. So if it increases it is actually better for the company.
  10. michael1990

    Which financial ratios are better to be high and low?

    If you have it greater than 2:1, it actually means you have cash tied up in places where it is not utilised. Eg. 8:1, stuck in inventory. This is why the ideal ratio is 2:1.
  11. michael1990

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    Yes mostly because i have Business, Info Tech then english the next bloody DAY!
  12. michael1990

    Im Really Scared!!

    But in the case of misadventure, the school has sent raw marks.
  13. michael1990

    08 HSC Students - Are you 18 yet or not?

    Yes. I'm 18. I find it difficult. Cause i want to go out, but i don't cause of the HSC.
  14. michael1990

    Vet It: What 2 Study Now!

    Curiousity Question Peeps, What sort of documentation did you all receive to say you got CERT II. We got a list of compentencies and a letter attached saying if you require more detailed information (or something) please contact the school. Is that weird? Wouldn't i just want all the...
  15. michael1990

    Help with QANTAS niche and mass markets

    Why are people talking in this thread? The OP had his answer already. And he hasn't come back saying, "I still don't understand" or such.
  16. michael1990

    Case Studies in Extended Response?

    No. HSC markers do teach the subjects they are marking. Most teachers use the same textbooks. Have knowledge of the other textbooks which they do not use. And you will notice that your teacher will suggest to you a few case studies you should do. This is done throughout the whole cohort. So...
  17. michael1990

    Case Studies in Extended Response?

    Not really. They are testing your ability to actually interpret the information given or found. Now found information is research, so technically they are also looking at your researching skills. Also, if you believe that you can make up a case study and still receive full marks then do it. But...
  18. michael1990

    Linking Marketing with Employment Relations?

    The only thing i could say would be things such as cost centres. um... global branding, but then it would interwine Global Business. Please if anyone does know, do share.
  19. michael1990

    Case studies

    I don't think i will bother.