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  1. axlenatore

    2008/09 English premier League

    Boruc will move from celtic to the epl soon, and he is a remarkable keeper, i reckon he would attract intrest from the big clubs, he has had ac milan after him for a while.
  2. axlenatore

    Favorite fictional character

    Bernard black- Black books
  3. axlenatore

    your favourite science!

    Genetics was half of my hsc bio course because he did the genetics option as well as the genetics core topic. Biology is epic, chem was also sweet
  4. axlenatore

    Ask a pick up artist anything.

    Yes, hes too busy with his giant balls of gold man i love that song
  5. axlenatore

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I hate both. though i do eat bread
  6. axlenatore

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Gay, sushi is gay. ive totally been turned off this university now
  7. axlenatore

    Ask a pick up artist anything.

    If a hot girl is unconcious should i assume that i have permission to have sex with her?
  8. axlenatore

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Do they sell sushi at unsw
  9. axlenatore

    Bored of Studies UNSW Rollcall 2009

    i would have shared my lunch with you
  10. axlenatore

    Bored of Studies UNSW Rollcall 2009

    will you be my buddy, you can show my around the uni, hang out with me and protect me from the big 3rd years :uhhuh:
  11. axlenatore

    Survey for my PIP concerned with your personality.

    1. Age: 17 2. Gender: Male 3. Describe your personality: Laid back, silly, mature when requried, determined, hard working when something interests me 4. Do you associate more often with males or females? Males i guess 5. Who is your family made up of? (eg. Mum, dad, married...
  12. axlenatore

    Need quick help with a drug survey

    1) Do you consider taking ecstasy to be a normal behaviour? no 2) Within your social circles, do you know of anybody who takes ecstasy? If so, what proportion? no 3) Do you think society is accepting of ecstasy use in general? no 4) Do you personally believe it is an acceptable practise...
  13. axlenatore

    wat special ability would u have if u were a video game hero?

    my hand would have to be the chick if you get my meaning
  14. axlenatore


    newcastle is meant to be the place to do chemical enginerering
  15. axlenatore

    wat special ability would u have if u were a video game hero?

    id been overly awesome and cool, and everyone would just be stunned and exploded upon coming within 10 metres due to overload of me
  16. axlenatore

    What headphones do you have?

    haha my dad actually gave them to me
  17. axlenatore

    What headphones do you have?

    my virgin blue airlines headphones recently broke so im now using $3 ones from the reject shop
  18. axlenatore

    best way to dump a guy?

    can i have his number, im lonely