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  1. ToO LaZy ^*

    news flash!

    You asians out there...dont eat eel imported from china hong kong studies have found eels from china are cancerous. yes thats right, cancerous. 內地海產停供應 價*上升[12:47] 2005/08/21 (明*資料) 內地暫停運出海產到港後,漁販指出,今日沒有內地新淡水*供應,價*上升,而蝦蟹的價*亦升近5成。...
  2. ToO LaZy ^*

    INFS 1000

    it doesnt really matter, coz when you export it to word, it wont say 'abstract' as a title
  3. ToO LaZy ^*

    Dunk Tig

  4. ToO LaZy ^*


    its the basic food stuff we asians eat
  5. ToO LaZy ^*

    INFS 1000

    i just did it in abstract
  6. ToO LaZy ^*

    Azn Guys!!

    coz i said so. heh heh. surely theres more azn guys for this mainland fob chick. dont be shy boys..
  7. ToO LaZy ^*

    Azn Guys!!

    i second that laughter.. but i may be laughing at something different to the obvious. :cool:
  8. ToO LaZy ^*

    NFI on Macroeconomics

    anyone remember how atta was knocking uow in one of our lectures (stream 2)?.. hahahhahh. hahhah. hahah. ha
  9. ToO LaZy ^*

    Arcade @ Wentworth

    scrap that!..we need more driving games.
  10. ToO LaZy ^*

    ACCT 1B

    about last lecture.. the notes say (on page 18/20)- the ROI (ARR) using Average net profit and average investment is calculated as: 13100 / [(107600 + 0) / 2 ] = 24.3% i dont get the bold
  11. ToO LaZy ^*

    .cdi files

    ah. found it. cheers DAMNIT...theres no setup file..:o downloaded 700mb for nothing.
  12. ToO LaZy ^*

    .cdi files

    i cant open its folder? when i double click on it, it opens windows media player..:confused:
  13. ToO LaZy ^*

    .cdi files

    mm..ive mounted it, but it does nothing am i suppose to do something to it?
  14. ToO LaZy ^*

    .cdi files

    nah dunno its a game if it helps. i heard youre meant to use alcohol 120%, but i dont know how to use it :o
  15. ToO LaZy ^*

    Arcade @ Wentworth

    why oh why are there so many asian nerds on that thing?.. :o :o
  16. ToO LaZy ^*

    .cdi files

    How do i open a .cdi file??
  17. ToO LaZy ^*

    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune/Intial D

    spent $5 on battle gear 2 today at wentworth and i can only get 2nd place :o :o :o im determined to get 1st day.
  18. ToO LaZy ^*

    Daytona USA 1- best times

    ive done a 42.XX on the advanced course..playing against a friend though against a computer..ive done 43.15
  19. ToO LaZy ^*

    Arcade @ Wentworth

    great! addicted to battle gear 2 :(
  20. ToO LaZy ^*

    Ur fav game eva/ one u rate the highest

    initial d2/3 battle gear 2 daytona underground2 and probably any other arcade driving game..