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  1. choco

    Glenn McGrath!

    when mcgrath bats..its so funny..he had the biggest grin today after hitting that massive six..gillys face was so funny when he hit that.. yeah great work glen! go mcgrath ooh ahh glen mcgrath
  2. choco

    First job

    i got a call from the people the other day and they said they'd call me soon about the training day...but thye tentative opening day is 25th november...shouldn't they call me already about the day and details?...wondering whether i should call them myself..but should i ? and when? ps charmed...
  3. choco

    COMP114 - Last Minute Help

    to anyone who has/is doing comp 114 just wondering how to study for this exam cos i definitely don't wanna do it should i just look at the lecture notes or also the book? :confused:
  4. choco

    ACCG101 - Last Minute Help

    to figure out the amount of bad debts in a period you need to use either the ageing or % of net sales method... hey for those that have done this exam scf most likely to be on a company or sole trader or partnership? anyway good luck !
  5. choco

    STRESS POST: BCramming, majoring in micro

    i'm doing com accg and appfin too, and in the unit outline for the four years it says you have to do both econ2xx's as core...but maybe i'll have to ask someone later bout it
  6. choco

    i need a job and i need one now

    its in addition to your resume, it comes before the resume, it basically tell them why you would be great for the job, it addresses all the employer requirements that you have and summarises your skills whereas the resume is more detailed about you work expereince etc..
  7. choco

    STRESS POST: BCramming, majoring in micro

    i though the questions we're ok yeah totally didn't expect question 2 again..what is that like three years in a row? anyway i hope i pass i dun wanna do this again..
  8. choco

    Dusk - candle store...

    try looking up "rhodes" as a keyword in or something
  9. choco

    ECON111 - Last minute help

    can we use abbreviations in the exam? like pi for profit.
  10. choco

    Predictions for new units in 2005

    many asians to law too
  11. choco

    STRESS POST: BCramming, majoring in micro

    i hope its the isocost one...anyway do you remember the types of questionsthey asked you to choose are they pretty well spread out over the topics covered?..or just like the last few tpoics?
  12. choco

    pre 2005 form

    its simpler to just fill it out manually..although do they ever tell you when they receive yours like a confirmation or warning if they haven't got it?
  13. choco

    Econ141 assignment

    where do you get them back from ?
  14. choco

    STRESS POST: BCramming, majoring in micro

    when can you pick up assignments from eric? cos i missed my tute.
  15. choco

    Exam hints and Tips!!

    will keeping my first year texts be good for econ 200 and 201?
  16. choco

    Exam hints and Tips!!

    for those that have done it very descriptive in the final? is it hard to pass?
  17. choco

    Exam hints and Tips!!

    if you do applied finance you have to do both econ200 and 201... well i have to anyway..crap how hard are they ?
  18. choco

    Exam hints and Tips!!

    alex said that there would be long or short answer question from the conceptual framework topic...will they be like the ones from ch17 (like exam for 1a?) also how many tutes are you allowed to miss in 1b? (like for 1a i think it was two)
  19. choco

    double degree or single degree?

    double degree + double major does that take longer?
  20. choco

    COMP114 assignment 2

    also can you help me out with the currency do you incorporate it in, can'tyou just assume its in currency format?