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  1. choco


    do the tute solutions come up on mondays on the web?
  2. choco

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    yeah there was an add in the smh some weeks ago but i can't go on the days they wanted!
  3. choco


    when does pal start?
  4. choco


    for the tute homework this week what do they want us to say about each study?
  5. choco

    Private Omnibus Service

    do you have to apply for it every semester? or just once a year?
  6. choco

    One of highest failure in economics subject

    what's the best way to study fpr econ110? are there any study guides?
  7. choco

    accg100 lect question

    yeah but at econ110 he said we needed to change it so i did. anyways i still can't get in maybe tomorrow.
  8. choco

    accg100 lect question

    wait i can't get in! which password and username do we use is it the same one as the estudent or webct?
  9. choco

    accg100 lect question

    ok thanks
  10. choco

    accg100 lect question

    really not on my web ct, accg 100 right? when do they put them in eric?
  11. choco

    accg100 lect question

    i don't like my tutor !he's so boring the lecturer is sooo much cooler
  12. choco

    accg100 lect question

    can we post tute homework probs here too?
  13. choco

    URGENT (Coles Myer Group Interview)

    they send you an email i think in about a week or two.
  14. choco

    econ 110 webby

    yeah did that but the equations just skewed up for acst 101
  15. choco

    stat170 course notes?

    do you have to go to the c5c comp rooms and get those files on a floppy as it says on the beige bts of paper or are they on the cd that they gave us? can you do wasps from home?
  16. choco


    in tutes they said we gotta do those presentations at random.. where do we get those questions from to do them?
  17. choco

    econ 110 webby

    just try with netscape if ur using explorer or vice versa.. also how do you print the quizes if your using explorer?
  18. choco


    how hard it is to get a Credit or D or HD in econ 110? the lectureer makes it sound hard.
  19. choco


  20. choco

    Private Omnibus Service

    oh i posted it how long does that take?