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  1. K


    I say phys all the way!! much more interesting, and very very little maths. the only maths you really have is on projectile motion, and a few others here and there. quite simple, cause all they expect you to do is apply the formula. and there's not too many formulas to learn...and they give...
  2. K

    physics textbook...

    I just used the surfing books for practice questions, throughout the year. the answers they give in some questions are more detailed than those in the textbooks, so its very useful in that way. jacaranda still rules though
  3. K

    physics textbook...

    well, our textbooks followed the old syllabus, which had much more content than the new syllabus. so you'd figure that when they make the new textbooks to fit the new syllabus, they'd be taking out all the unnecessary content, as well as the mistakes connected to that content. you'd still have...
  4. K

    physics textbook...

    yea they're pretty bad we certainly didn't get anything for the mistakes in ours! we just...learnt from a variety of sources :p there wasn't that many though. and since your doing the new course, I woulda figured they would've taken out more content/mistakes than ours had! what textbook you...
  5. K

    School / Subject

    knox grammar ext2 maths adv. eng economics physics 1u studies of religion I'm like the only one in my school doing that particular subject mix.
  6. K

    Exchange Rates

    whilst the $AU is definitely undervalued, it nevertheless allows the australian economy to perform strongly and competitively against our competitors. Amongst the OECD countries, Australia has the highest economic growth. having a low $AU isn't bad. of course, you don't want it too low, which...
  7. K

    Recurrence/Reduction (integration)

    In recurrence/reduction, rather than working on one side of the equation like you normally do, your working on both sides of the equation. so after doing parts say, you get an integral that looked exactly like the beginning, but a few powers down, then you call the original integral "In " and...
  8. K

    Who else is having trouble finishing writing notes?

    I didn't used to either. I did summary for one topic for ecos, 3 for eng, 3 for phys, and religion. they are quite useful I find. I don't have to keep going back to the textbook, for one thing, and all the important stuff is there. yeesh! my notes in total for phys, are around 15pgs! but...
  9. K

    Who else is having trouble finishing writing notes?

    I finished my summaries/charts before the trials, so I could use them to study for the trials. some topics/sections, I deliberately didn't do any summaries or notes for, because the textbook was quite concise already. I just crossed out the parts that weren't necessary, inside my textbook. all...
  10. K


    your 8*6*6 escapes my logic. your basically repeating what your saying for your 2nd pick, in your 3rd pick. in your 2nd pick, your saying you have 6 letters left, whether you choose e or not in your 3rd pick, your restating that you have 6 letters to choose from. so effectively, you've made...
  11. K


    I think he is or his just panicking veeery badly but I don't mind. he's actually forcing me to actually revise this stuff 3 weeks before the exam, while I'm revising eng and maths. I was planning to do it like...after maths :p think of a photon LIKE a particle, even though its not really...
  12. K


    well, solar cells are photovoltaic cells, just a more specified name for a specified purpose...namely easier to say :) I just kinda assumed that photocells were photovolatic cells. but I just found a site, that sorta gives the difference. apparently a photocell is a variable resistor, so...
  13. K

    lightning conductor

    for 1), charges aren't forced out. the air is ionised through induction. so if you have a positively charged lightning rod, then it will force the positive charges in the area away, and attract the negative charges, so effectively ionising the air around it. in doing so, if the air was...
  14. K

    ARGH @ PHYS syllabus changes for next year

    so since they trimmed down the syllabus, that means they can ask harder questions can't they? cause now they don't have to ask such broad questions to appeal to the whole syllabus or does it just mean that physics is going to be even easier than now?
  15. K

    Your Studies of Religion class

    you go to loreto right? saw it in some other post hehe, you got schell as head, hehehe done the meditations and find/fill in the words yet?
  16. K

    everyday impact on believers.. what the?

    other egs, law, sacred text, prayers, teachings, beliefs, variants in belief/rituals/practices/ethics, answers to questions, missions.
  17. K

    How much hard work is needed?

    you can give that summary thing a try our teachers told us to do that, but I couldn't be bothered. just ended up summarising it all during the hols, but hey, good enough for me! might help you, but almost might give you more work than you need to do. don't do it everyday if your going to...
  18. K

    How much hard work is needed?

    and just make sure you actually start those assessments a few weeks before they're due, cause you tend to find that suddenly, you have these assessments due in, and you start panicking, and don't end up getting the best marks you can get. but 6hrs a day? naaah, I tried that. lasted like 2 days...
  19. K

    Induction Motors

    if your talking about the simple ac motor vs the dc motor, like just an armature, powersupply, and blah, then yea, the only different is the slip ring but the more commonly used ac induction motor vs dc motor, they're very different. the ac induction motor uses all that squirrel cage, rotating...
  20. K

    Medical Physics - net spin

    no problem but if they're trying to gain an equilibrium, why do the unpaired protons/nucleons continue to spin? they're not offsetting anything in particular