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  1. Rahul

    my options...

    i am going to be doing a double degree with accounting at MQ, most probably. i will be looking at trying to transfer to actuarials in my second year, if possible[ i got 94.1]. but chances are that i might not make it. but i am ok with that, because i think that accounting and finance/business...
  2. Rahul

    whose going to maq? and wot course are u doing?

    unsure between applied finance or business admin with commerce (accounting). will be looking for acst in second year if possible. if i dont get it, then i'll be happy with completing one of the above. excelllllent! :p
  3. Rahul

    pissed off about uai

    do you know the exact hsc marks and subjects?
  4. Rahul

    2003 HSC marks?

  5. Rahul

    RFTG: the bone people by keri hume

    yeh, from there it has link to some things on the bone prople. have you tried clicking on the egg-yolk nect to Year 12 Extension English stuff HSC?
  6. Rahul

    whose going to maq? and wot course are u doing?

    leane, with a difference of 2.75, you have a good chance. but, i am not sure with that course. looking at the 2002 cut off and comparing it to the 2003 cut off may help :)
  7. Rahul

    really quick msn question

    thats why i am asking, coz i added someone, but havent seem them online. i dont know if they had given me the right or wrong contact. :) glycerine/huy, thanks. i went there and they havent added me yet. thanks again.
  8. Rahul

    really quick msn question

    no, i mean, when i add someone, would i get a msg saying that they have added me...if i was offline when they did.
  9. Rahul

    really quick msn question

    i have a quick question for msn. when you add someone to you list, do you get a message saying "some person has added you to their contact list"? i cant remember. thanks
  10. Rahul

    social life at maq?

    snobs? i would think that syd uni and unsw would have more snobs, what with them doing all the *prestigious* courses, with full fees...
  11. Rahul

    drawing a blank

    fashionista, try to post the diagram up...that may clear up some confusion.
  12. Rahul

    whose going to maq? and wot course are u doing?

    MQ for me next year. :D
  13. Rahul

    differences between these 2 courses..

    bba/bcom(accounting) and app fin/bcom(accounting) i will most probably be doing either of these 2 courses. i have no real idea what i can expect from either, ie- areas of study, careers. if anyone would have any input to what might be different for either one, it would be appreciated.
  14. Rahul

    drawing a blank

    ? i was getting CDA and EAD were supplementary. or ACD = CAE, because they are alternate. :confused: meh, maybe i drew the diagram wrong...its too late for maths i say :p sorry fashionista. :)
  15. Rahul

    RFTG: the bone people by keri hume

    no problems. :) always try googling for info, i remember getting info that way.
  16. Rahul

    hooray.. we won the test

    yeh he played for the u/18 team when he was 16 and in the u/19 team when he was 17. if i remember, he used to captain a side as well.
  17. Rahul

    hooray.. we won the test

    it was fixed, how disappointing....*shakes head* :uhoh:
  18. Rahul

    woe is me

    go easy on the kava there :p [i think thats what it is called :D]
  19. Rahul

    woe is me

    commiserations tele... unlucky about them marks, as long as you still get into your course.
  20. Rahul


    yeh dotty has the drift...the arts lectures would be pretty can just pretend to be a student, and what lecture will you attend? something along the lines of "rise of the feminist liberation" :p