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  1. Weisy

    just curious

    dissonance... I suppose it doesn't really matter if you read this tomorrow before or after, but good luck for your performance! You deserve to do well. :) (even considering you just hit things.) :P Our year 12s had theirs today. I remember when I did mine, I was on at 8:25am or...
  2. Weisy

    finished the course??

    Yes, we finished the course early because we're the 4unit class and we had other things to do, like mechanics *cringe* Still, there's quite a lot of content in both the 3 and 4 unit courses.
  3. Weisy

    hardest topic

    Binomial all the way! (this includes binomial probability)
  4. Weisy

    Asamatopes -> 3U graphes....

    teachers are usually good at explaining such things... otherwise most textbooks (cambridge, fitz, MIF) have a 'curve sketching menu' which tells you exaclty how to sketch such graphs
  5. Weisy

    who is absolutely sick of english?

    Just for good measure, what's all this talk about the real world? We all seem to talk about maths and english and their irrelevance to the REAL world - but what sort of real world is there out there? Is the world not full of people like us, who similarly have the ability to think, and...
  6. Weisy

    How many 4unit students at your school?

    I go to MLC and we started off with about 14, which was like a record, and gradually, we got killed off. Now we're down to about 8... I say about 8 because there are supposedly 8 people in our class but due to the *ahem* natural brilliance of some class members I have never seen all 8 of us...
  7. Weisy


    *feels sick* :p
  8. Weisy

    King Lear

    :o *pokes milly back* I did alternaTIVE just for you... why does everyone think I use subconscious irony? I think we could all use a little of michellopi's very sound advice. It is sometimes very easy to forget to consider the whole picture when asked to critically study a text...
  9. Weisy


    I swear, that show MUST be a parody of something... It can't be so bad in its own right... B&B? Any takers?
  10. Weisy

    Good News?

    Hey Mil, and everyone else who does software I found this in the Board Update, Sept. 2002. Read and tell me what you think. ;) Love, Weisy 2001 HSC Courses With Relatively Low Performance in Bands 5/6 In a standards-referenced system there is no reason why the percentages of...
  11. Weisy

    King Lear

    and furthermore... tagtailing Mil's brilliant explanation... you would then look at the fact that traditional and family drama interpretations view Edmond, Goneril and Regan's actions differently, and find different ways of bringing these views out in performance. eg. - a family drama...
  12. Weisy


    not going... but possibly going overseas...which i think is a fair tradeoff, considering I don't have an overwhelming desire to live with my friends, stoned for a week
  13. Weisy

    Gilmore Girls

    it's a very good show for escapism... and god knows we need that at the moment
  14. Weisy

    Crime Fiction Essay

    Probably a good idea to consider three different types of questions. I tend to go for 1) questions pretty much asking you to regurgitate crime conventions and say how they are subverted to adjust to the society they are portraying/have been composed in (I actually have seen only a couple of...
  15. Weisy

    Interested in who actually does Latin out there...

    YAY!!! Now our *entire* Latin class is represented on this site!!! heh heh "Omnia mea mecum porto" All I have I carry with me :D Weisy
  16. Weisy

    First Post

    As a latin scholar... I think I must be of the mad/disturbed variety. Why not, I say? Weisy
  17. Weisy

    Interested in who actually does Latin out there...

    medea... did you do latin for your HSC? what did you think of the texts? This year we're doing Cicero In Cat. I instead of Pro Roscio. We're still doing Aeneid II though... "Illiud Latine dici non potest" You can't say that in Latin "Audio, video, disco" I hear, I see, I learn...
  18. Weisy

    Stupid Question Corner

    The HSC Latin course is called a 'Continuers" course, ie. it is for people who have done Latin through Stage 5 ie. (years 7-10). I'm fairly certain no Latin Beginners Course exists which is like Japanese beginners course. If you haven't done it before, I'm not sure you can, although i might...
  19. Weisy

    just curious

    i understand that - it does sound simple, and in a way it makes you look at your own composition in a different way, and it seems all at once to be both more simple and more complicated at the same time. Paul Stanhope is my composition teacher...or was, I suppose. He taught me for about two...
  20. Weisy

    just curious

    petite I wouldn't be able to choose, really. If I tried to think about it now, I would probably find a piece, then realise that I hadn't taken into consideration about three million other pieces I liked. At the moment I'm loving Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no.2 in C#min, because I'm working on...