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  1. T

    Why are you still single?

    the person I like isn't here and I don't believe in long distance relationships. not sure if he still likes me but that's not the point.
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    2007/8 Federal election

    WOW, so funny, ha ha ha. you purposely spelt it wrong then corrected yourself. interesting how you know the term "kick ass", I'm surprised. get over people who aren't as good as you in english, does it make you feel better mocking them sideways? maybe you just crave attention, so I should...
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    Is it just me, or are strong women INCREDIBLY sexually appealing?

    hahha bobness i like how you said "sexually perverted [...] fair game" maybe a strong independent lady would not force a guy into a submissive position? 'nice guys' often attribute their problems with women on the idea that they were too nice (and thus taken for granted, not cherished...
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    Guys, what would you like a girl to like about you?

    power? as in using you for your high status/reputation or as in feeling powerful over controlling you?
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    Guys, what would you like a girl to like about you?

    there's nothing in between?!
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    Guys, what would you like a girl to like about you?

    BoS Matchmaking service? we should make a thread on that. could be a funny game with random participants
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    Is it just me, or are strong women INCREDIBLY sexually appealing?

    what 'bout the whole idea that "opposites" attract?
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    Why USYD?

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    Why USYD?

    Usyd has lots of hot guys (but then, ur taste could be really special) even the tutors are hot man sometimes i wonder if u have to be hot to be a tutor LOL maybe that's one of the secret criterias they use in the "hiring" process
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    Relationships in year 12??????

    it will affect your studies not always in a negative way though
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    What have you eaten today?

    vegemite bread thai food etc
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    LOL how can one lose his/her virginity through masturbation (this and only this)? HHAHAHA serious...does anyone really count that? (sorry)
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    Cheating: What would you do?

    1) If they get back together, what are the odds that you won't be dissed and bitched about by them (for this)? 2) If they break up, on the surface either one (or both) may thank you for helping them "figure out" the truth, but inside, are they really grateful for what you did? The misery...
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    Is it just me, or are strong women INCREDIBLY sexually appealing?

    femme fatales aren't always psychologically strong. they may be powerful in a sense, but that doesn't mean they aren't fragile inside. a girl who knows how to utilise her "skills" to achieve outcomes of extraordinary envy could be hiding under her rigid shell. yes strong women are incredibly...
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    how to get rid off cellulite ???????

    i heard they don't work
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    I've figured it out

    sigh who do so many guys think the reason they can't get girls to "like" them is because they are simply too "nice"? is that consoling.. u don't need to be a dickhead to get a girl to like you like UnIqUe_PrOFeSsOr said you need confidence. i have a feeling that maybe you're just not the...
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    Easiest and Hardest UoS?

    what does GOVT1406 have to do with ECMT 1010?? LOL! The "easiest" one I mentioned should be different from the one you're considering doing. You're thinking about INFS 1000 (Business Information Systems Foundations), right? That to me, is actually harder than INFS 2001 (Business Information...
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    Commerce @ USYD = OMGWTFBBQ

    why is commerce getting more and more popular nowadays
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    Commerce: UNSW or Sydney?

    "B Commerce (Liberal Studies)!!!!" WOOO congratulations (again)! :)