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  1. bex

    sex position

    haha whats the bet that came from a cleo or cosmo write up!
  2. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    they have scars on their right shoulder from where they removed their second heads..
  3. bex

    Brazilian Or Bo-ho

    boys have that problem where as girls can just get rid of ALLLLLLLLL of it
  4. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    i guess.. but life can be shit so i really like to hold onto fate.. it gives me some sort of comfort.. i dunno... but if you guys are meant to be together then your paths will cross again someday.. thats what i think anyway
  5. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    thats really kool.. not the fact that you only spent a couple of months physically together.. but the fact that you held onto it and had faith in it for so long..
  6. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    wow.. that realy kool... its been almost 3 months and we have spent more time apart than together..
  7. bex

    Brazilian Or Bo-ho

    but from what youve said, you dont shave it all off.... theres a difference!
  8. bex

    Brazilian Or Bo-ho

    yuk i would NEVER shave it off.. wax yes shave no.. the hair grows back darker and thicker anyway.. now who wants even more pubes than what they started with?! i dont think so..
  9. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    woah! how many times did you see each other in that 2 years?
  10. bex


    do you ever think that maybe you have met the one or walked past them in the street or something and just didnt know that you were the ones for each other? i believe in the one.. and when i find him, ill just know.
  11. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    beyond 2 (driving) hours or anywhere you can fly to!
  12. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    it sucks. im kinda in one at the moment.. i met this guy (hes an aussie) while i was overseas at easter time.. now he lives interstate and we agreed that a full on long distance relationship would be stupid to maintain cause of the distance but we are still close, he likes me and i like him...
  13. bex

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    what do guys look for in a girl? we've had "what do girls look for in a guy?" so lets try it in reverse!
  14. bex


    im 19.. my personal range is 18- 22
  15. bex

    Long Distance Relationships

    long distance.... do you think it works? anyone in one/ been in one? i want to hear stories!
  16. bex

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    im not ashamed of any music that i like.. ill openly admit to my yr 7 hanson phase anyday!
  17. bex

    Fat Pizza anyone??

    i know the guy that plays rocky and ive met pauly and theyre 2 of the nicest guys! when they do public appearences they do them in character so maybe thats why you thought they were sleazy but they are super nice in real life...
  18. bex

    uni nick names?

    isnt macquarie.. club maq?
  19. bex

    Bachelor of Arts/Television Production

    not weird just... different ;) all the comms can be stereotyped i reckon.. except of course, us com rads.. we're the random leftovers from each group!
  20. bex

    Which uni?
