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  1. enak

    UTS VS UNSW (and free sex)

    Do it at uts and then you can leech notes off smith :p
  2. enak

    screen shot and auto update

    windows+d=desktop alt+enter when a program is highlighted = properties window
  3. enak

    how do i install 2 windows

    You generally install an older than a newer OS, so i'd say, format, install 98, then install 2k again in that order.
  4. enak

    Predictions on $RealEstate$

    Inner city apartment. Nothing in Liverpool interests me. Assuming I had the amount for deposit, then I could also eat out every other night, and there are fine restaurants in the city. The opera house would also be close, which means I could go watch a concert every few days :)
  5. enak

    screen shot and auto update

    No auto update tab in win2k? Also, do you have anymore of these shortcuts :D?
  6. enak

    Am I Too Obsess With IPT?

    I don't do IPT either, but I don't write much more than I need to in SDD. More is less, fit as much as you can in as little time as possible, but don't be stingly, find a balance.
  7. enak

    Shocking Trial Results

    I guess so :), and the private schools and selective schools don't do the CSSA paper either, oh the pain... :D
  8. enak

    Julius Caesar

    I just picked up two speeches on the day of modules :D, althought I don't think I did overly well in that module :(
  9. enak


    Shit, how would you keep track of books, and organising/sorting of them, how big is the staff?
  10. enak

    STol3n ChildreEN

    Use constrasting stories, easier to make comparisons etc as well as related texts, you can write more about things, rather than repeating things you have said for the next story.
  11. enak

    Trial Marks for SDD

    I reckon software is my easiest subject by far! Bloody english modules, bloody maths demorilising :'(, too much content for chem....
  12. enak

    Shocking Trial Results

    People get 120/120 raw in the hsc exam according to statistics :)
  13. enak

    Trial Marks for SDD

    I only studied the hour before the trial sdd exam, I am waiting for my results, but im pretty confident, should come either 1st or 2nd. Our school exam seemed pretty much the same as the CSSA trial exam in terms of difficulty. Might post it here if we get to keep it.
  14. enak

    Shocking Trial Results

    I wonder what the highest mark for the cssa 4u maths exam was? Would anyone get over 100 in that?
  15. enak

    Anyone finished their major project?

    Heres my final submissions if anyones interested Heres the site if you want to test drive my project :)
  16. enak

    Change essay, last question of exam

  17. enak

    What do I do?

    You don't really have to read them, well at least I didn't. Do summaries, comparison of text in bnw/br, quotes, analyse it, then choose a few scenes/scenarios to extrapolate on for the hsc exam.
  18. enak

    STol3n ChildreEN

    Ahh wtf lol :p, pikachu hahaha. I hate this text, wish we could do like starwars. Bleh, I used Fiona, Lance, Howard, Beasely, and that feminist woman in trials.
  19. enak

    More Help Please!!!! :):)

    That was written as a genuine advertisement on careerone :)
  20. enak

    More Help Please!!!! :):)

    Heh, :p, the position's been removed :p