:wave: Hey.
I'm at school atm... I'll do those quizzes when I get home.
Yesterday's episode was alright. I don't like Naomi, and her actor isn't a good actor.
I don't want Amanda to leave. :(
If you really find this option interesting, and are willing to put in the extra effort, then go for it.
Personally, I would find it easier to stick to the option in which I would have the teacher's help, but remember, it's up to you.
At my school, they've started giving out the report cards at the Parent-Teacher Interviews. Which means that my parents will read it before I do... :(:(:(
I'm having my needle soon-ish.
Lol @ Carney: http://nrl.com/News/Latest/NewsArticle/tabid/76/NewsId/5152/Default.aspx
Haha, and it was only a couple of hours ago that we were talking about him. :p
I didn't think so... lol @ the odd dances moves; I haven't seen the video clip of it.
I drive lots on Saturdays. To and from the netball courts twice; plus driving to any parties that are on. :p
My athletics carnival is tomorrow. :uhhuh:
I'm actually going to go though; I'm driving there. :D
Today: I went to Macquarie Uni for a Tertiary Day, and saw heaps of people from other schools that I knew. :)