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  1. michael1990

    mama mia

    Oh well we had to kick people out of a GoldClass threate because of complaints. They were screaming and getting up in the aisles lol They were warned then asked to leave and never to come back lol. Heaps of people said it was terrible. Some people even walked out and went and saw a different...
  2. michael1990

    Help with QANTAS niche and mass markets

    Mass Market- Economy Flights. Niche Market- First Class.
  3. michael1990

    The Forbidden Kingdom

  4. michael1990

    tax time!!

    BankWest is supposed to have a good term deposit account which would be good. Haven't had a look yet though. I am currently with ING for my Savings Maximiser.
  5. michael1990

    The Dark Knight

    Depends what you mean by good 3D. Like some family movies were really good in 3D. The inventor dude. That was good. It won't be realised in 3D, as far as i know. But they realise parts of the movie in 3D. Just the same as Harry Potter (No.5) but its terrible so don't pay the extra and go and...
  6. michael1990

    Greater Union

    Oh yeah. Well when i was hired i choose where i wanted to be. I still like being Supervisor on the floor though :) Its awesome lol... Which GU did you work at? Or who was your Business Manager? And why did yuo leave?
  7. michael1990

    business studies

    No way. Business= 20% Year 9/10 Commerce. 20% Year 11/12 Economics and 60% new stuff.
  8. michael1990

    tax time!!

    Save it. Interest Rates are great. Putting into a term deposit account :) About $2000
  9. michael1990

    Greater Union

    Where did you work Jachie? And was it with Greater Union? I mean i have only been with them for about 3.5 years, so some changes could have been implemented before i was employed. But this is how it is now.
  10. michael1990

    The Dark Knight

    Don't watch it on the IMAX mate. Its not good, i thought it would be good. I went and bought tickets for Harry Potter and i found it was terrible. I would suggest you go to a Greater Union and watch it in the GMAX threatre. GMAX is a 25metre screen with seats varying from 400+ seats. Awesome...
  11. michael1990

    Greater Union

    Wrong. You actually apply for where you want to work. If you want to start in a management position, usher, candy bar or projection. Obviously it goes on past experience as well as personal attributes.
  12. michael1990

    Greater Union

    Wrong. We don't clean toilets. We have separate cleaners who come in and do that. Its stressful to some degree.
  13. michael1990

    HSC essay questions related to current events

    Well i believe it may not have been a coincidence as we are supposed to know contemporary issues.
  14. michael1990

    Greater Union

    Ask for an application form, you will fill it out. Its best to be presentable when you do it and also have a stapler so you can staple the resume to your application form. Luke Mackey is the Business Manager there and an awesome manager. Likes the job done, and likes to have a clean environment.
  15. michael1990

    Greater Union

    No not really. You will need to ask, but most people want to go 'upstairs' when they work with customers.
  16. michael1990

    HSC essay questions related to current events

  17. michael1990

    HSC essay questions related to current events

    Can ask you anything within the syllabus.
  18. michael1990

    HSC essay questions related to current events

    If you read the syllabus its all related to Contemporary issues. Meaning yes, they may tie into things that are happening now. But maybe not.
  19. michael1990

    Greater Union

    You shouldn't even be taking him serious. He is probably a 'dole surfer' himself.
  20. michael1990

    Greater Union

    I won't say on here. But i have worked at a few. Not full suit. Business Shirt, Black Pants. Make sure your well groomed.