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  1. L

    Top Achievers in Course List

    Re: Top 20 in Course List can this scenario be possible? your HSC results are pretty good like 2 band 6s and rest band 5, can you get UAI like 96 or 97?
  2. L

    getting 90+ without being state ranked

    wow.. that is very good. congratulation \!
  3. L

    getting 90+ without being state ranked

    what subjects did dp624 state ranked?
  4. L

    Results in paper

    when you get your HSC result tmr, it is moderated, not the raw mark right?
  5. L

    Results countdown

    12 hours,,,,,,, 12 hours...... time passes so slowly can't wait to get my result.... i will probably spend next 12 hours on bored of studies website, waiting for the result anxiously
  6. L

    bad hsc marks, good rankings? & vice versa

    they both will affect UAI significantly. but, my chemistry teacher told me that actual HSC exam is considered a bit more important, but don't disregard ranking as they are really important as well
  7. L

    Top Achievers in Course List

    Re: Top 20 in Course List is it true that if a student topped at least one subject, the student is most likely to get UAI of at least 95?- told by chemistry teacher
  8. L

    Results countdown

    who is scared and nervous? who is scared and nervous? after looking at top 20 state ranks, i am so scared!!!:confused: :idea: :speechless:
  9. L

    Top Achievers in Course List

    Re: Top 20 in Course List for what subjects?
  10. L

    state rannkings on 16th

    what was the top mark for chemistry, physics and geography?
  11. L

    whats the first thing u'll do after you...

    i will put marks to SAM to estimate uai.
  12. L

    How tall are you?

    165-170 168
  13. L

    are most ppl gonna check results at approx 6am??

    maybe the person topped the state for at least one subject?:rolleyes:
  14. L

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: UAI Countdown first preference= combined law degree at usyd so need uai of 99.55, but 99.3= combined law degree at unsw so 99.3 gonna make me happy as well:D
  15. L

    Results countdown

    one day to go.... little nervous and little excited at the same time:hammer:
  16. L

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    SAM is kinda old.... using 2005 HSC data,,,, do you think if you put your HSC mark to SAM, it will give pretty accurate uai?
  17. L

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    i need pretty high UAI now coz I changed my mind. high 90s
  18. L

    what if you don't get UAI you wanted?

    i hate to think about the case where i don't get my desired UAI, but reading all threads saying '2~3 days to go, then we can check hsc mark' and about HSC result etc make me thinking 'what's gonna happen if you don't get the UAI you wanted.' till end of HSC, my external environment literally...