Often I look around during an exam and everyone has their shoes off and getting comfy, hee.
I like roomy tables and spacious rooms and a well-lit, well ventilated room. Stuffy rooms filled with hot (or cold) air is uncool.
I remember playing it back in year 10 or so, it wasn't very good, I was fallen upon and squashed several times by big people, lol. I like soccer though, yaay.
Yay! I like you.
Meh, all my exams are at like 8.10 in the morning, when everyone gets a runny nose and stuff. Does that happen during anyone elses exams when everyone starts sniffling? It's quite wierd.
Man, I love year 7's and year 8's!! They're so cute and they all wave and say hi and eeeee! I just love them.
Hate year 6 kids though, "Oh I'm the best blah blah, don't tell me what to do blah blah [expletive] blah blah [expletive] x 10"
Congrats on your results Sleepplease! You really like sleep eh? :sleep:
@ Nesty: Haha, same, Gatsby kind of tainted my otherwise good day. whatever tainted means.
*Gives away free muffins and jelly*
"All sarcasm is irony but not all irony is sarcasm" lol, someone drilled that in me. It's stuck forever and ever and ever and ever and yeah, ever.
Oh wow, that sounds awesome Jeniii. We went to a nursing home for Xmas and the old people told us their life stories, it was pretty cool, hmmm, this has nothing to do with what you did, ha.
Gosh, you people leave my m0ofins alone! :ninja: