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  1. ToO LaZy ^*

    acct 1001 practice set

    omg..this is so f*ing confusing. when we credit something in our we take away that credited amount from the balance?
  2. ToO LaZy ^*

    acct 1001 practice set

    yo i've got this transaction i dont understand.. june 1- paid amount owing to NAP. issued cheque no.432 i checked the 'schedule of accounts payable' and it said that the credit terms were '1/15, n/30' do i record this under the GL in 'purchase discounts' account??
  3. ToO LaZy ^*

    ECMT1010 Computer Ass. 2

    the whole set of opposed to the 'sample' mean, where you just take a sample of the data
  4. ToO LaZy ^*

    ECMT1010 Computer Ass. 2

    nah, it was about the assignment
  5. ToO LaZy ^*

    ECMT1010 Computer Ass. 2

    i saw on Bb an annoucement about Q3 in the quiz.. i checked again and now it's gone?.. does anyone know what it said?
  6. ToO LaZy ^*

    How do I access my R: drive from home?

    has anyone got this to work?..mine always 'times out'. :chainsaw:
  7. ToO LaZy ^*

    ACCT1001 mid-semester results

    OMgoMGogm we must be like...totally identical...except we're not. whoa!. EDIT: what were the cut-offs for pass/credit..etc etc?. i know it has been posted before, but i cant be bothered searching
  8. ToO LaZy ^*

    NRL - Which position do u prefer?

    the big meatheads..prop
  9. ToO LaZy ^*


    is anybody's exeem working for them?...mine doesn't seem to be able to search anything or search for new files...? :chainsaw:
  10. ToO LaZy ^*

    ECMT Marks up on Blackboard

    marks for the quiz were up about a week ago...well at least mine were
  11. ToO LaZy ^*

    VSU Rally vs. Tuts and Lectures?

    well then. im sure that the trees wouldve died happily knowing that their killing wasn't funded by union fees
  12. ToO LaZy ^*

    VSU Rally vs. Tuts and Lectures?

    if my vote was based on the amount of trees killed in the process of campaigning...then simon will win my vote hands-down. im glad to see my union fees are being used in such an effective and efficient manner :cool:
  13. ToO LaZy ^*

    VSU Rally vs. Tuts and Lectures?

    Vote 1 Kok! "Funny name...serious issues" haha..that cracked me up.
  14. ToO LaZy ^*

    ECON1001 Mid Semester Exam

    i beat you all..! 8.5/15 heh heh suckers..:D
  15. ToO LaZy ^*


    wow..thanks man..i'm gonna look up on these
  16. ToO LaZy ^*


    oh..and i almost forgot my most important source of cash. my 45k limit credit card. ;)
  17. ToO LaZy ^*


    go to their website: get their information pack sent to you fill out some forms (about your existing account etc) attatch the most recent bank statement from your existing bank account send it in and you should receive a conformation letter in about 4-6 days with all...
  18. ToO LaZy ^*

    acct 1001 practice set

    how would you record a cheque??'s the 2nd transaction
  19. ToO LaZy ^*

    What do you like/dislike about your job?

    good: - free breakfast/lunch and dinner - free drinks - free icecream - good tips - 'under-the-table' cash bad: - STUPID FUKCING manager...always picks on me for some reason - HARD WORK..:( - gay manager - deadset wanker of a manager
  20. ToO LaZy ^*


    $2087 under ING account $0.67 in westpac $100 owing from dad $10 on hand ....subsidised uni food my arse!..