Search results

  1. ToO LaZy ^*

    Which clubs/societies did you join today?

    where was the table tennis stall located?..i wanna join..TT is soo fun!
  2. ToO LaZy ^*

    CLAW1001. Easy to grasp?

    i heard from someone that CLAW1001 was quite interesting...unlike ACCT1001
  3. ToO LaZy ^*

    Post your eco/bus faculty timetables

    i seem to be in most of your classes...
  4. ToO LaZy ^*

    Timetables Are Out!

    this is not finalised...
  5. ToO LaZy ^*


    i wanted to see what classes were lectures and what were tutes...but the stupid preview didnt show me so i clicked on the next step.
  6. ToO LaZy ^*


    I accidently changed to a timetable that i didn't want and now i can't get my original timetable back..! what should i do??... and how much extra can you change if you go in to uni to change your timetable in person?
  7. ToO LaZy ^*


    well helllo...
  8. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    omg..i thought u were a chick...:confused: i really should look at people's gender.
  9. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    u sure that was him?..the accents kinda sounded different...although i wasn't paying much attention anyway..
  10. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    the monobrow dude was in the lecture room??? BBAHAAHhahahHAHHa...oh dear..i feel slack now
  11. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day! was alright i guess, met a couple of new friends :) the organisation of teh groups was a total mess though...they could of at least put the group numbers in order.. the video on plagerism was quite a crack up, esp the last guy with the unibrow
  12. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    well judging by those massive saggy jugs, i'd say it was a she. you could smell her stench from 10 metres away..
  13. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    did you happen to see that nekkid hobo sitting in the middle of the road?
  14. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    hah..i couldn't find my group anywhere!!..they must've bailed on me :( but i was adopted by group 20
  15. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day! u mind telling me who's your mentor.. i think i'm in group 2 but not 100% sure. oh..and where does it say to meet?
  16. ToO LaZy ^*

    Do we need a bag for O-Week? cannot be displayed
  17. ToO LaZy ^*

    Do we need a bag for O-Week?

    and where can i find more info on these 'societies'?
  18. ToO LaZy ^*

    Faculty Orientation Day!

    im going to that mentoring thing too.. oh fuck...i lost the letter they gave me. :( EDIT: anyone wanna kindly type up the letter if they're bored ?