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  1. saladsurgery

    Oh My !@#$ing God!

    'twas ok i s'pose... yeah not 2 bad section 1 was a bit odd... but i got used to it section 2 was just yer average essay on new british art
  2. saladsurgery

    ag a doo doo doo...

    ...push pinapple shake a tree what question did you do in section 2?
  3. saladsurgery

    What did you think of the exam?

    it was pretty good i thought... section 1 was a bit odd, the questions were phrased differently... but i think i got used to it.
  4. saladsurgery


    ah shit. me and 2 mates got 9.5. Did you guys use origin in calculation. We didn't. Maybe there data and graphing was dodgy
  5. saladsurgery

    How Easy Was It

    thought the shipsalvage was hard just those last few. Harder than physics, had nowhere near as much spare time
  6. saladsurgery

    answer to Q4 (multiple choice)

    Just think... if you were to sprint along that rollercoaster track where is the most likely place of putting out your knee? - the answer is logical:D
  7. saladsurgery

    Do you feel confident about achieving the UAI which you are aiming for?

    i suppose i'll go ok... currently aiming for 90+
  8. saladsurgery

    Attention Night Owls

    hmmm... odd. will try again.
  9. saladsurgery

    Personal research on IQ tests (proper and otherwise)?

    yep: other stuff like emotional "intelligence", creativity etc ought to count for something... actually devising a scale to measure creativity is completely contrary to the very idea of creativity... quite cold-hearted... like making an instrument to measure spring with. my iq has varied...
  10. saladsurgery

    Attention Night Owls

    irc server aint workin...
  11. saladsurgery

    Cnnnn (abc Tv)

    i think dario is now the high priest of the cult of CNNNN.
  12. saladsurgery

    SamD - maybe an error ???

    and while we're here: all the random number generators (in the multiple choice q's) are screwy... out by one at the higher end of numbers generated, i think... or am i dumb? :confused:
  13. saladsurgery

    Anybody Looking At Queensland Uni's ??

    i thought about it... several Q. uni's have good lookin grafik design courses, but i don't wanna move that far... maybe a masters degree later on or something...
  14. saladsurgery


    jeezuschrist. why is this still here?
  15. saladsurgery


    Jesus Bobsledding Christ. what school do you go to?
  16. saladsurgery

    What's going on?

    you mean they're not perfect? an admin swore. all of a sudden i feel dirty.
  17. saladsurgery


    it seems 150 was closer to the mark, going by the last 3 years, but i can't be sure: 2001: 152 got in 2000: 178 got in 2002: 288 (!!!) got in
  18. saladsurgery


    i reckon that's a pretty tight answer... i mean if you wanted to you could write a fricken thesis on cellulose. i'd give it 6, maybe 7... but then i'm not a marker... :)
  19. saladsurgery

    Everyone vs Sourie/indian nerd/sourav/stop booting me/whatever his new name is

    he's gone... c'mon sourie! show yourself! or are you too busy with all your model "bitches"? yeah, that'd be right. tosser.