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  1. saladsurgery

    Conversation - Names

    woo woo!!! "One" and "Two"!!!! yeah!
  2. saladsurgery

    What do YOU think?

    hmmm... i wondered iif you actually did get an email everytime i got one of those "There seems to be a problem with our database" messages... (ahh the irony: i got one of them messages just when trying to post this) about the uni stuff: i think at least 1 or 2 of the site admins go to UTS...
  3. saladsurgery

    SDD books

    i've got the heinnenman one (is that how you spell it?), sam davis's one and the excel. i reckon sam's one is the best, covers about 95% of the stuff, the other 5 is covered in the excel and the heinnenman book. probably not worth buying them (i borrowed both texts from school and bought the...
  4. saladsurgery

    art crictic/criticism topic

    case study/my area of interest: new british art (damien hirst, marc quinn, tracy emin, etc...) controvertial art (encompasses alot of the above plus some aussies and americans) mostly postmodernism related...
  5. saladsurgery

    Private Vs. Public

    I go to a private school and I have to say our 4u teacher is the stupidist person alive. Old and senile - half the class don't bother coming to her lessons anymore and go to tutoring outside of school. Don't think all the private schools have an advantage. My Maths teacher :rolleyes...
  6. saladsurgery

    Cnnnn (abc Tv)

    \ my best guess is they set that bit up... they used to do a similar thing for frontline (same network so it wouldn't be that hard)
  7. saladsurgery

    Rock Music!

    i reckon he does a fair go of it... and who cares? not every song has to be a deep and meaningful exploration into the human condition :spaceshp: on another note, i like this spaceship idea.
  8. saladsurgery

    Cnnnn (abc Tv)

    i'm watching it now, some skit on sexing up the labour party... piss funny
  9. saladsurgery

    Who wants to get an art-ish job?

    ahoy-hoy, we share 4 preferences. my 1st is the same as yr 1st. but i might change mine, i dunno...:chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw: damn i love these new pix i rate this thread 5 stars. what does that mean?
  10. saladsurgery

    art crictic/criticism topic

    i have an essay :ninja: haha check de new smilies ---cut'n'paste (apologies for long length post)--- Art critics challenge and provoke artists and audiences about matters of interpretation and judgement. --------- Changing philosophies in, functions for, and materials used in artmaking...
  11. saladsurgery

    someone confess!!!

    oh stop being so mature. you've got a whole sixty-plus years to do that, and only a week or so to run around doing stupid shit (i.e. before end of school). so i vote for the stupid shit. you can sit around and shake your heads at your immature colleagues, tut-tutting, drinking vintage wine...
  12. saladsurgery

    Cnnnn (abc Tv)

    read about it in smh telly guide, thought "mmm... election chaser rocked, must watch this", and come thursady had completely forgotten. Next week...
  13. saladsurgery

    Old skool kids shows!!

    that phrase and the wizard dude who said it is all the recollection i have of the show... sadly...
  14. saladsurgery


    and i hate these "sticky" threads why can't they just move down the board and die with all the others? and what's the go with rating threads? i'm going to rate this one. haha. 1 star = worst. what was that about getting post counts up? hehehe. oh dear, i've gone cross-eyed.
  15. saladsurgery


    oh dear. another one of these arguments. probably just designed to get either party's posts up. oh well... it don't bother me too much
  16. saladsurgery

    Old skool kids shows!!

  17. saladsurgery

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    computa pranks indeed... they never occured to me, but sound like lotsa fun. if anyone has mega old 486's or early pentiums, find one of those "keyboard lock" keys and lock em all up. alternatively, put some random (e.g: H*AUDh0o8t, &RTbg8rtys$^, etc...) passwords on BIOS and piss off...
  18. saladsurgery

    Take a look at my Major Work....

    as in the "real" him or the rather aryan-looking kid on the rest of the page?
  19. saladsurgery

    Is BOB EVIL??

    who/what is bob? ignorance is bliss...
  20. saladsurgery

    Old skool kids shows!!

    victor and hugo (partners in crime!) also: roger ramjet is condoning drug use: whenever he's in a tight spot he pops one of those "proton pills" and flies out of it. yes flies. THE FRICKEN PILLS MAKE HIM FLY!!!!!! anyone else find something wrong with that