that happened a lot for me....:p
the worst thing is the feeling that had i done this a couple of days ago, i would have totally killed that assessment! :p oh well...dont have to worry about that again. :)
some info about your school? ie- its rank, how many people over 90, etc.
at the moment you are probably looking at low 90's[UAI 1] to low-mid 90's[UAI 2].
i have been getting a few mp3's with screeching kind of sounds half way thru annoying :p
i have never shared files over kazzaa. slows my downloads down too much.
mazza, get past papers from your school firstly. then get ur hands on any type of past papers textbook or topic by topic questions book, and do relevant sections.
yep like ragerunner mentioned, focus on maintaining as high as rank as you can. then later in the year you can more accurately estimate how well you are going, compared to others, ie- possible hsc marks.
obviously suney's idea is the best so far, but like the others, be confident and think ahead of what you can expect. ask from your friends who have gone for a similar job
i think you will find, as the year progresses, that 4u is mostly your own work, in your own time.
so get started on some work, take initiative and ask the teacher where you can start.
for space, make sure you can apply the formulae. there will be some tricky bits in it, eg- inclusion of the radius for F<sub>G</sub>. other then that, you need to spend time on relativity.
closure...pfft. that will happen when they stop the hsc :p
as for the point of this thread, i think NS section is for these things specifically. its just it has a lot of other 'stuff' in it as well. :D
full fee :eeks:
hell no! :p
i am pretty confident that i wont get my first preference course, mentioned before, but i think i can get into my 'backups', where i have the opportunity to smoothly transfer. :)