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  1. yulia

    Lanuage classes

    Sometimes though the timetable will say weeks 2-13 even though they start in week 1, because I dunno...the timetablers are stupid. But even when it says this, for language classes, the tutes will start week 1...just ask your lecturer, but it's usually how it is.
  2. yulia

    Uni gyms

    Yep you can casual to the GF classes. I think it's still $10 for the pass, and you can go to any class you like. You should still ask about booking ahead, but if you don't want to (I hate phoning the Aquatic Centre), turn up early, like go half an hour early and say you want to do it, then go...
  3. yulia

    Uni gyms

    What gym do you want to go to? There are 2. There's the Aquatic Centre and then there's the Arena. The Aquatic Centre is more expensive, like $570 for a year or whatever, while the Arena is $350 a year. I just renewed my membership for another year, and I was told I would not have to pay the $55...
  4. yulia

    How long is too long for food to arrive?

    They make food on Ready, Steady, Cook in 20 minutes and less. So if I have to wait more than half an hour, I'm not happy... I regularly eat at a place in Newtown, it takes usually about 15-20 minutes tops for my food to come.
  5. yulia

    Share your addictions...

    Considering one of my biggest issues is not consuming enough calories to support the amount of physical activity I do, it's not a big issue eating the pink icing. Calories wise that is - I do agree that it means my diet isn't clean and if I was working towards something I would have to cut it...
  6. yulia

    Share your addictions...

    Pink icing. I buy cupcakes and eat the icing then throw away the cake. I know it's a waste but it's what I'm obsessed with right now. And it can't be creamy pink icing, it has to be the one that goes hard.
  7. yulia


    I second the chambord + champagne. The girls and I at work would buy a bottle of Lindemann's and then a shot of chambord each...resulting in goon-like champagne tasting half decent. However everytime we did that it resulted in us passing out in the staffrooms. I think it normally took 3 bottles...
  8. yulia

    Self Employed

    I have my own ABN and such, but I contract from a company. However, because I'm a sole contractor, I work when I say I work, and I take time off when I want to. They can call me and ask me to work, and I'll usually say yes unless it's impossible, but I'm not under any obligation to now that I've...
  9. yulia

    Sydney Uni Village

    Everyone I know who's lived there has been an international student. Not so bad like international house where it's incredibly Azn, but there's a lot of American students there, quite a few English ones too. The social scene for it last year was alright, as it had the Well down the bottom floor...
  10. yulia

    How Fit Are You? - (The how to get fit thread)

    Shut up you sarcastic fuck. There are more sports teams that go there, but do I really need to name every sports team that trains at USyd that goes there? No. Because everyone who is someone knows I go to USyd and everyone who knows USyd knows which gym I'm talking about when I said it's the one...
  11. yulia

    anyone know how to get slimmer arms ?

    Buut in this context the original poster wants thin arms. THey don't want to be blurry. So therefore...what I said makes sense. They'll look puffy if they just work on muscle, not slim at all like they want. But doing weights and building muscle is important to help the fat burning process...
  12. yulia

    How Fit Are You? - (The how to get fit thread)

    Sydney Kings, Sydney Flames, the football team, etc. There was some football team there the other day being followed around by a news crew but I dunno which.
  13. yulia


    Oh hun I got fat during my HSC. I had been super underweight until about year 11 and then I just packed it on, and now I have issues fitting into a size 6. (Especially at Portmans, wtf is the go with their sizing? Their size 6 pants fall off me!). Try to fit in exercise and stuff for the feel...
  14. yulia

    How Fit Are You? - (The how to get fit thread)

    I would say I'm a 9. My resting HR is 45 and I have a maximal oxygen uptake of 50.9mL. When we were charting my CV fitness, it actually didn't fit on the chart, and I'm in the top 93% at my gym, and this is where all the sports teams train. I go to the gym 6 times a week, 7 if I'm super...
  15. yulia

    does running help strengthen or build any leg muscles?

    I don't think working out the torso area is essential depending on what you're doing. My 6 pack developed on it's own without any crunches or sit ups whatsoever. However, I was running 10km a day...and I mean running, in under 50 minutes. But running does develop great stomach muscles. Even now...
  16. yulia

    anyone know how to get slimmer arms ?

    You need cardio to burn off the fat, weights to build the muscle. Weights on their own will just make you look bulky, unless you're doing circuit training to get your HR up...there's no point having muscle if it's hidden by your fat.
  17. yulia

    how often do you go to the gym?

    6 days a week, varying between 1 hour of cardio and half an hour of weights, 1 and a half hours of cardio and half an hour of weights, or 2 hours of cardio. Really depends on what I will be doing with the rest of my day. If I do the 7th day I usually spend that doing 30-50 laps of the olympic...
  18. yulia

    BoS USyd Roll Call 2007! - UPDATED 19/1

    B. Health Science/M. Health Information Management, Cumberland, 1st year - transferred from 3rd year B. Arts and Sciences (Pharmacology)
  19. yulia

    Is the access card worth it?

    It's free to join the SRC, unless you wish to run for SRC, then there's a fee.
  20. yulia

    Arts&Science at Usyd, or BLang@UNE

    If you want to do a degree in languages, don't do arts and sciences at USyd. If you really wanted to do languages at USyd, then Arts(Languages) is what you would've been after. Otherwise along with your language major, you will be doing 24units of junior science, 12cp of economics, and 12cp of...