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  1. Suney_J

    How much did you write?

    sec1 - 6 sec2 - 4 sec3 - 9
  2. Suney_J

    Aced it or Fucked it

    i did ok, could of done better. did ne other ppl's pen nearly run out, mine wasted durin the exam, lucky i bought 3. i mite need more than
  3. Suney_J

    Hoping for EFFECTIVENESS in the essays

    thats very tru. if u look at past hsc exams, they ask the same style of question for all the electives. in 2001 it was effectiveness and remedies. in 2002 it was law reform and remedies. so im guessin no remedies this year, may b effectiveness and law reform this year, but dont take my word...
  4. Suney_J

    Ancient Exam Thoughts....

    i have that guide, and it described his powers, the question in the exam sed expalin how he established and maintained his powers, they do overlap in some areas but u do need 2 go further
  5. Suney_J

    Ancient Exam Thoughts....

    i loved da exam, exept hatshepsut. i thought i was confident wit her but she killed me wit her nobles and social roles,i only wrote 4 pages. its good most ppl thought that sparta was bout the government,(4 pages again) i did alrite in augustus 'n' JC (7 pgs yeah!!), and ok for old kingdom...
  6. Suney_J

    Its Finally Over!!!!!!!!!!

    WOOO HOOOOO !!!! man i cant believe its ova. i jst hated that hatshepsut section, it was harder than previos years. apart from that every thin else was ok. NO MORE ANCIENT HISTORY !!!!!!!!