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  1. axlenatore

    How fast do you write?

    What if you are left handed, tilting the pen to the right will do a load of good.....not
  2. axlenatore

    Poll : Raw Marks

    ....i hate you lol thats not a bad results Im hoping for s1: 13+ s2: 12+ (i lack an imagination so im fucked in this section) s3: 13+ i got to write on all my texts integrated throughout ie not one paragraph on one texts instead all based around an idea which had all three texts in each But...
  3. axlenatore

    How fast do you write?

    not many, my left handedness lets my down, im jealous of a guy in my years hes completely ampidextric and just switches hands when one gets sore
  4. axlenatore

    Anyone wanna take a wild stab at the question for Harwood???

    depends on the questions, probably prizgiving and either at mornington or the glass jar. Nightfall is ok to talk about as is the violets, i can just say i saw them from a feminist perspective....they wont know that im male :) or though her allusions to the hole that is tasmania, as a result...
  5. axlenatore

    Frontline - Which episodes are you doing?

    1 paragraph on the overall construct that is frontline 1 paragraph on add sex and stir 1 paragraph on we aint got dames 1 paragraph on a sequences from the movie chicargo 1 paragraph on We can be heros l YAY All about the use of versimilitude and what this does We only did three...
  6. axlenatore

    UEFA Champs league

  7. axlenatore

    UAI prediction? I should be studying...

    That worries me cause ive been told by my careers advisor im looking at 90 if i perform in my externals but i go to a poor ranked school and have some pretty meh ranks in english religion and my maths one could be better , lol i changed from a school with a rank of 50 to one with a rank of 188...
  8. axlenatore

    I am confused

    I have, all that ive mentioned in my previous posts has revovled around what i have bene taught based on the module rubric
  9. axlenatore

    I am confused

    Not just looking at past questions, looking at my assesment for module B and trial questions but related to the enduring power so OP is probably making this up to confuse a lot of people to make them write something which they havent been taught
  10. axlenatore

    I am confused

    Meh fuck this thread you are scaring everyone, look for module B you have to show a different contexts result in different readings, and you have to show how your context doesnt result in your getting the readings other people get, ie you wont see a Freudian ready. You have to show what your...
  11. axlenatore

    Was it ok if u disagreed with section 3's statement?

    Yes, you just have to take a line of arguement and then talk about how the texts lead you to this understanding,
  12. axlenatore

    How many booklets did you use?

    7...minus 4
  13. axlenatore

    Least Favourite Text for section one.

    Im from newcastle, and know its reputation, haha i think i know someone who goest here
  14. axlenatore

    Least Favourite Text for section one.

    lols whitebridge, yer text 3 we my least favourite but they were alright
  15. axlenatore

    i have a question people. please answer

    and a female with the name worriedman
  16. axlenatore

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: How many people are in the situation of having to live up to famil expectations Brother- 96+ Cousin bout the same No pressure my parents just want me to do my best bout it, plus im going in with a twin so, if there was pressure if would be to beat her
  17. axlenatore

    What do you do the day before an exam?

    I study the night before, i pray, i wish i could either transport into the past to do more study to make up for my lack of study, or skip to the end of my last exam. Oh and get angry and throw stuff always a good option
  18. axlenatore

    Hopeless Mum needs UAI Estimate

    We have a stronger cohort this year