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  1. R

    Can you transfer from one year of uni into undergrad med?

    UWS disregarded my GPA and took my ATAR and the new info on their website leads me to believe they're not counting GPAs/WAMs for incomplete degrees (unless you're in first year Advanced Science and you get a GPA above 5.5 and get one of the 6 highest UMAT scores out of everyone below the GWS...
  2. R

    Can you transfer from one year of uni into undergrad med?

    You can't ~transfer~ but you can get in and start from the beginning with none of your previous studies counting.
  3. R

    Pope Benedict resigns

    Catholicism is based around a belief of what your conscience says and the church leaders and the bible. So like, believe what you want. ^_^ They just expect the conscience to change based on church teachings.
  4. R

    O-Week Meat 2013: Down the Manning Hole

    it's not a matter of me making up my mind. It's a matter of the uni telling me what times I have to be there that week. Which they don't until the 25th.
  5. R

    O-Week Meat 2013: Down the Manning Hole

    I might not be there… ~whoops~
  6. R

    Studying Before and After Sleep?

    neuron pathways are reinforced at a tiem where they are vulnerable, duh
  7. R

    UWS Roll Call 2012

    this thread is a year old…
  8. R

    UMAT vs GAMSAT difficulty

    UMAT is easier because it's natural and shiz whereas you need to study for GAMSAT and I don't study…
  9. R

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 2012-13

    I'm using ebooks that I TPB'd this semester. Yay for popular degree things
  10. R

    Studying Before and After Sleep?

    no... studying just as you wake up allows the information to sink in quickly as well...
  11. R

    Enrolment Variation

    it didn't work for me using Firefox. :( Damn mac. I really need my own computer.
  12. R

    Enrolment Variation

    they might discontinue my course!!!1!1
  13. R

    Withdrawing from Usyd.

    Okay, I just saw your signature (I was on my phone) and if you didn't get 93.55+ for your ATAR I recommend BSc(AdvSc) @ UWS as your best bet for med.
  14. R

    Withdrawing from Usyd.

    I got 5 points higher than the lowest Adv Sc person given an interview (and I went to usyd and had a SHIT GPA) and I got in. Are you GWS? If you are you'll be fine. I wouldn't risk it unless you were offered a scholarship. I know plenty of people that are stuck in adv sc at UWS now.
  15. R

    Studying Before and After Sleep?

    I would read random notes and stuff just before and after sleep. It's pretty much equivalent to a couple hours of study to get info into your head. The shit goes str8 in
  16. R

    Withdrawing from Usyd.

    I don't know if you're making the right decision. I'd you don't get into med you will want a degree that you can be employed from. Advanced science is not that degree.
  17. R

    USYD Roll Call 2013

    and if you've previously studied French you can do higher levels, which is recommended because then you get more choice later.