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    How long do you shower for?

    where's the hour choice?
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    Cho Chang- Yay or Nay?

    Cho Chang's dress was awful. She should've worn something else but then that would steal the limelight from Hermoine... so hard to choose between the two.
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    Does God exist?

    Spirituality can be independent of the belief in a higher being. You can believe in a inner force which inhabits the body, some may conclude that is it a soul, and how you live your life, what you do feels your soul.
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    Does God exist?

    Normally when someone is trying to prove something through their experience and their beliefs they would provide a detailed recount of certain events which lead to that experience, their personal intepretation of that experience and how they came to that conclusion. Since, after all this time...
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    Guys: Would you put up with a girl who didn't like porn?

    I think I'll apply to Labor Left if I get a shot at Rose Jackson ;) I feel I'm too much of a sexual deviant to be in a relationship :p
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    Does God exist?

    I'd be more inclined to believe in God when he explains why the Holy Bible or Qu'ran is full of inconsistencies and what purpose he created us for, even if it is for a stupid reason. Then I'll believe in God, but I will still continue to live life as if nothing happened. Knowing God exists...
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    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)
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    Detroit Motor Show 2006

    except the Golf is ugly and the Corolla isn't. they look nothing alike. Camry doesn't look like the 6, it's very fresh and true to Toyota's styling direction. Looks like the evolution from Camry '01.
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    memoirs of a geisha

    probably cause the sole purpose of Geisha is to make men lust for them and in doing so well having their virginity auctioned off for a large sum of money says alot about how much a man is prepared to pay for beauty. this is so her virginity isn't taken from her forcefully but instead bought as a...
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    Does God exist?

    [while burning the Narrator's hand with lye] Tyler Durden: Shut up! Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed, what does that tell you about God? Narrator: No, no, I... don't... Tyler Durden: Listen to me! You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He...
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    Sorer Or BMW?

    i like the double round eyed beemers. they're everywhere these days. those are hot! add chrome rims and a dark respray and you have a pimp mobile.
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    Q: Do we have to stop at roundabouts?

    i only indicate for very big roundabouts.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    This this ain't no happyland where everyone gets along. It's called reality, and in this reality there are people to hate, people to envy. These are power emotions from which arises both destruction and creativity. If we followed the bible to a fault the Earth would still be flat and there'd be...
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    haha i've been trying to get a hold of Firefly from the Town Hall JB HiFi for over half a year now. They get sold as soon as they are stocked.
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    Car Racing: Sim vs. Arcade

    I wish they got Battle Gear 4 with internet connection and keys at the arcades. THAT would be awesome.
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    Does God exist?

    even if there was a God, and it can be proven, human nature gets the better of us. we do what we like to a certain degree and in certain circumstance we will do what we like regardless of consequences. God or not there will always be misery. at least without religion i don't feel repressed.
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    collars up?

    the kind of guys who wear Industrie tops with collars up are faggoted posers.
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    you're a fertile woman between the ages of 16 - 30 years of age, moderately attractive and of the presence for which i wish to impregnant you with in the hopes of spawning an heir.
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    Devil Takes Hajj Battle, Beats Vegas Spread

    lol at anti-mathmite's sig. i wouldn't swear to the bible. i'd swear at it. what happens if they ask you to swear to the bible but you call it a non-fiction novel equivalent to Tolkien but not as interesting. what do you have to swear by then?
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    Evanescence's New Album!

    Oh I can't wait! I love Evanescence. I hope it's full of guitar and piano intertwined making it as beautiful and as gothic as Fallen and Origin.