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  1. Rahul

    physics exam in 33 hrs

    hmm....all i need is a space ship that can travel close to c and then i'll ace the exam.
  2. Rahul

    Why is there a lot of people here?

    medical physics i think...thats what tele has done
  3. Rahul

    Where were the Polynomial questions?

    yeh i wanted rates of change, binomial theorem and locus/parabola damn hsc :mad1:
  4. Rahul

    Temp changes

    ouch! hit em where it hurts :p
  5. Rahul

    I just realized something about Physics Textbooks

    if you want waffle, go read forces of life. for those that dont know, thats the fat 700+pg orange one.
  6. Rahul

    Good Luck Physics

    :lol: i watched that one! thanks lazy k. :D will need it hahah
  7. Rahul

    Need GEOPHYSICS notes pls !! thx

    hahah ur an idiot
  8. Rahul

    who is this quin guy from ruse?

    should we kill you for double posting? :p some genious aye....anyone with a higher uai than me is a bastard:p
  9. Rahul

    Why is there a lot of people here?

    rofl!! you can still change you know :p
  10. Rahul

    lol, i just can't help, the excel book is so dodgy :P

    a tutor would have helped in that situation, one who could explain the concepts by discussion, which i think is the best way to learn anyway.
  11. Rahul

    Physics marks

    you talking raw there?
  12. Rahul

    physics exam in 33 hrs

    10 hrs to go :D i'm counting them down tonight :p
  13. Rahul


    yep, r=radius+altitude lol, you cheat!!! you didnt deserve to come first! jus remember steve, you'll be getting my hsc mark for your school mark ;)
  14. Rahul

    lol, i just can't help, the excel book is so dodgy :P

    lol at excel, its a decent book. but jacaranda kicks ass!
  15. Rahul

    where the hell does the k come from?

    sounds like you would have to initially differeniate the curve(circular wire) and find the gradient of it....hence the straight lines. and then working out the magnetic field for each of these infinitely small lines and then intergrating it back to the function. close? :p
  16. Rahul

    Why is there a lot of people here?

    lol you expect people to be asleep by 10.30 steve? :p all nighter for me too...going into exam with a crammed head.
  17. Rahul

    physics exam in 33 hrs

    well would you look at the time....time for me to hit the sack. :p btw, 28 hrs to go :D
  18. Rahul

    space: robert h goddard

    yeh the syllbus says you only need to choose one, so he's my man :p
  19. Rahul

    physics exam in 33 hrs

    *starts coding for the program* oh shit, physics :p
  20. Rahul

    physics exam in 33 hrs

    30 to go :D