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  1. T

    Should Universities have stricter English requirements/standards..

    when it comes to admitting international students?
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    Do you tell people to STFU during lectures?

    I adore those who have the guts to do so. So ppl, please make those who talk so much during lectures feel UNWELCOMED thanks
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    How do you get a girl to like you?

    very easy. I think girls are easier than guys. Just treat a girl very nice and she'll be touched. You might not agree, because there are SOME girls who would be mean to those who treat them TOO nice. OK if that makes sense
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    Is Japanese originate from chinese?....

    you watch a lot of porn don't you.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread what did u write!
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread hahaha lucky u got to hang out with him just don't let him know too much yet or else u lose ur mysteriousness heheh update us with what happened, ok? yeah I don't look for them like u do, nor do i have so many gay friends but somehow I attract lesbians, I have...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread haha of course u're "OVER" him already......i bet u haven't even fallen for him yet. it's very hard to love someone u don't really know !? well..... rarely happens LOL yeah it is ironic that u fell for someone so....... maybe ur taste has changed? I have seen...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread Ok. Let's hope he's not homo, so you can have a chance.
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    Do you love yourself?

    Yes, I'll be looking at a hot girl in class. Yum. Please don't distract me.
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    Romance, survey971

    It's actually meaningful. And it makes sense.
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    Do you love yourself?

    LOL guess what? I just guessed everything, didn't know it turns out to be TRUE! gosh....what a surprise
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    Romance, survey971

    you are so secretive + don't tell people anything about u Just answered No randomly?! Let me answer it for you: 1. Maybe, but I don't know unless you tell me 2. It's a secret in my heart, I cannot tell you online. Cliche? "I love you." 3. uh...yes 4. obsession is 271371971 5. Yes, but I...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread I second that.
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    Romance, survey971

    1. Are you a romantic person? Yes, I have many romantic illusions. But I have a chance to be romantic, I wonder if I'll really implement those romantic ideas. 2. What's romantic, and what's cliche (the most stupid thing one would say/do in a relationship) to you? It doesn't matter what you...
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    Pimples Help

    maybe that's cuz it worked on u..... i have a friend who used to have a face full of pimples after she tried it it actually worked and it cleared her skin but i heard this only lasts for maybe a year because after some time due to bad lifestyle (lack of sleep, eating unhealthy food, dieting too...
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    USyders and Jobs.

    thought u made this thread cuz u were looking for jobs and I always take your threads seriously B Comm 13-18 contact hours I work in a zoo.
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    Do you love yourself?

    one in the morning one in the afternoon watch out.
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    Do you love yourself?

    I know why you have tutes tomorrow
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    Do you love yourself?

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    Do you love yourself?

    why is it funny..? got a problem with that? total opposites fit.