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  1. chocolate_lover

    Veronica Mars (aussie Airing)

    IMO, I think that it did suit Cassidy/Beaver's behaviour, because sterotypically it usually is the quiet, well-behaved, smart rich kids.
  2. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    That's a bummer about not getting to wear your PJ's all day. :( I've got netball training today too... but I like it. :) I failed my last English assessment task, worth 10%. Just keep telling yourself that it only counts for ??%, and that you've still got another ??% to make up for it.
  3. chocolate_lover

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    I like "Jazz"; it's nice and simple, and in the years to come, if you wear it then, you won't feel embarrassed by it. SS: Already over nichhhhhhhhhhhole?
  4. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    Although this time last year, Rabbitohs also had 2 losses... :o:o
  5. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    Exactly. Have a look at last years results; at this stage last year, Broncos had only won one game, and we all know how they ended up going... :rolleyes:
  6. chocolate_lover

    Home and Away

    Yeah, I loved that part! I'm looking forward to the start of tomorrow's episode too, where they will probably start off with it! HAHAHA, slaggy!!!! I bet it would. ;)
  7. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    at least u had a nice lead. :(
  8. chocolate_lover

    Subjects you wish you DID do

    I wish that I had done some computing subjects, Woodwork, and Geography. Although I do like the subjects that I'm doing now, and the teachers I've got for them... At my school, some kids in Advanced (well, one...) doesn't want to be there. He complains every f*cking lesson about the teacher...
  9. chocolate_lover

    What About Brian

    Ok, I'll steal the start of your story, for my story. and my Mum watched them both last night, but she accidently deleted Grey's, so I'm going to have to download it; but I'm going to have to wait for next month though, because our download limit has exceeded. :D I know what you mean. :(:(:(:(
  10. chocolate_lover

    What About Brian

    Argh, Adam is such a prick! Yeah sure his best mate fell in love with his fiance... but still!!!! Oh, and ShiftyIceQueen, congrats on going so well in the BOS NRL tipping comp!!
  11. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    My exams start on Thursday, where I've got Physics and PD/H/PE.
  12. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    The Roosters supporters that use BoS are still here, have a look through this thread and have a look at the amount of people who had voted (+1) for the Roosters.
  13. chocolate_lover

    Muck Up Photos

    We got ours back today. :D:D I was impressed with them.
  14. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    Hahaha, so true!!!
  15. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    Finch does play for them. :p
  16. chocolate_lover

    Home and Away

    Haha, good luck.
  17. chocolate_lover

    Home and Away

    No probs. Yeah, I've got it set-up til 7:35 too. :) Damn straight! :D
  18. chocolate_lover

    Home and Away

    On the remote control, press "set-up" <<< one of the tiny circle buttons. Then it will come up with 4 choices, pick the last (bottom) one. Then I think it comes to a thingy where you can set-up custom recording thingys... (in other words: you can set the time, channel, what days u want it to...
  19. chocolate_lover

    What About Brian

    No probs. :) I can't wait til tonight's episode.
  20. chocolate_lover

    What About Brian

    Read the previous posts in this thread.:p We're already into the second season, well, it starts tonight I think, so we'll see. :)