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  1. routemarker

    The Death Of Micallef Tonight...

    its about time! micallef is out on the street and ROVE[live] is so much better anyway. 3 yrs and counting....
  2. routemarker

    NRL Tipping Round 21

    lol now everybody is getting a turn to post the draw. Im getting too lazy ill acc up all the scores after this round is through
  3. routemarker

    mid session break for sem 2

    lol im geting sick of uni by the day and microecon 1 lecturer is not funny.
  4. routemarker

    Medical science

    thats pretty much it for more info go to
  5. routemarker

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    no do adv sci only if you want to major in an area reserved for adv sci students like medical physics and medical chemistry. but if you do get 96 its best to go for a combined degree with BSc rather than going for adv sci.
  6. routemarker

    university grades

    well in bio, chem and phys there is no scaling you get the mark you get ie 85 HD 75 DN 65 CR 50 PS <50 FL and they told us in bio that the final exam is an average fail so everyone is urged to get as many marks as possible in teh practical component (50:50) uni is pretty tough and...
  7. routemarker

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    well i have afriend doing adv sci and now hes planning to do com/sci realising that i am doing very similar subjects to him. unless you want to major in medical physics or medical chemistry you may as well do BSc or if your UAI is large enough combine it with another degree.
  8. routemarker

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    Well there are slight differnces like a slightly larger choice in majors and the obligation to do (adv) courses. If you do get a UAI sufficient for adv sci put it into better use and go with com/sci most adv sci students regert geting in adv sci realising that it is very similar to the 80 UAI BSc.
  9. routemarker

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    nope but unis know how to sell the same thing at a higher price lol
  10. routemarker


    University of New South Wales B Science look below lol
  11. routemarker

    Nrl Tipping Round 19

    lol ive been lazy:D Broncos Dragons Storm Bulldogs Roosters Raiders Knights its round 20 copious ;)
  12. routemarker

    Passions- im addicted

    lol just go to around last yr it had something about julian sleeping with theresa and getting her pregnant and 'who killed julian crane?'!
  13. routemarker

    Would like to learn Japanese

    Faculty of Arts School of languages?
  14. routemarker

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    lol the only difference is the word 'advanced' and an ongoing burden to achieve a credit avarage or get droped down to science. both degrees get the same title B Sc.
  15. routemarker

    UAC Guide!

    more High UAI ppl want to do B Sc (Adv) rather than combining it with B A.
  16. routemarker

    Mediceine, How to get in?

    um i think so and im sure that you dont get any advanced standing even if you did equivalent courses ( ie anatomy units etc...). To be competitive you need a credit average, pass the GAMSAT and be very illuminating in the interview. GAMSAT scores are valid for 2 years and can only be attempted...
  17. routemarker

    Arts Advanced

    lol knowing every possible and valid way to end a letter?
  18. routemarker


    lol me and my friend went to the museum of disease and lets just say hes not too keen on getting into med anymore :D.
  19. routemarker

    Terminology help

    well a Doctor of Philosophy genarally means that you philosophise in your field of expertise. ie use your knowledge to either refine it or extend it and contribute in your chosen field. PhD's are postgraduate degrees (obviously) so your undergraduate degree is obviously your field of expertise.