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  1. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Essay On Globalistaion - Russia

    W!S unless ur russian and u really really like researching on russia, i'd advice u not to do Russia. There are much better countries out there to do it on. Plus Russia hasn't benefited much from globalisation. (Growth in 1980s higher den 1990s) So besides the structural change (which really...
  2. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Which star do u like the most?

    ...and my dad's name is bruce but i fink what he meant was dat these karate figures symbolise something that's part of azn culture, yet they have western names.
  3. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Which star do u like the most?

    wasnt jet li a former martial arts competitor? I like Jet Li's films way better. Bruce Lee...well he's dead. Plus he makes too much noises. Less talk more action. Jackie Chan...all his movies are the same. He gets the shit beaten out of him. Smashes his face against every object in...
  4. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-


    yup chem is sooooooooo gay well if u have a teacher who knows chem, dne it might not b too bad. i reckon if u didnt do chem in yr12 and u go med science in uni, they wouldnt tell the different between u and sum1 who did coz he/she wouldve 4gotten everything already
  5. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    2002 Standards Packages

    if u wanted to look at 100% correct answers, u coulda juz looked in ur textbook. I fink band 5/6 responses are better coz it shows dat they are human and u too can come up wiv an answer like that. In most cases, its a confidence boost coz u read their resoponse and u fink...pffft ye i coulda...
  6. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Anyone doing BCom/BEc at UNSW?

    yup, bcom at unsw is my 4th pref i thought its uai's been quite stable in recent yrs hasn't it? although alotta ppl i talk to wanna do bcom at unsw. do u have any particular interests in a major?
  7. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    If you were thinking of applying for a job....

    orangeguy, u and ur scavenger hunts around chatswood. Is this what u were doing during lunch time on that eco lecture day?!
  8. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    School Stereotypes

    ok at my skool *jocks *druggies *the maths techs (asians) *politics and economic debators *1 gay guy *dropkicks
  9. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    uac confirmation letter

    yup, i can confirm dat, juz got mine now dont worry too much if u dun receive it today or 2moro, its prolly juz ur mail man having a big lunch break
  10. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Industrial Chem: Equilibrium

    i dunno know much about how equilibrium relates to esterification... but where's the reverse reaction in esterification? I thought after u heat reactants, the products stay as they are.
  11. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    "-=MLhtʻ=- , learn to quote!" Man, the HSC is over, so i aint learning nuffin ok!?! Besides, sif i have time to press an extra button and wait for the thing to load:rolleyes:
  12. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    articles/paper suggestions

    the leading edge website has latest states for ppl who can't read stats from the ABS site (which has all the stats you'll ever need).
  13. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    business/marketing course

    i reckon marketing is fun. But den i wanna do actuarials, so anything is fun compared to dat the head lecturer at unsw for marketing...wats his name... remind me of jim carey. English fellow. Funny. Interesting. I doubt u'll get oo bored wiv his lectures.
  14. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    How'd You all Go... Aahaha beat you all to it...

    "yeah....for that multiplier one, how could you work it out when there were 3 different MPS's... i just worked it out for all 3 yrs but i really have no idea, so could someone perhaps enlighten me???" Well u see, u had to find the MARGINAL propensity to consume. I fink wen u said u work it...
  15. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    bubba, if u didnt notice, the first part of my post was a quote. So i was arguring the same point as u phil frog, soz man. Ur definition is right, but 'quota' is a quantity. :chainsaw: u got 1 wrong! IM GONNA KILL U FOR SCALING ME DONE!!!!
  16. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    The Dole

    if i live on a separate estate, but it's owned by my parents, do u reckon i can apply for aus study?
  17. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-


    i did 25 and 28 the gay bit about 28 is dat u had to use economic data. And frankly there wasn't much data that i could think of that related to impacts of protection, besides generalisations and a few examples on aus and china, but those are figures that would occur with reduced protection...
  18. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    M/C ANSWERS HERE! poll what u got!!!!

    "say Paul gets paid $1 a week and Harry gets $2 a week, without getting the dole there is highish inequality, with dole Paul gets $11 and Harry gets $12, therfore there is a more equal disribution of income!!! DAMMMM, SHIT FUCK CRAP !!!!" firstly if ur on a dole, den u arent getting a...
  19. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    good luck

    are u britney spears?
  20. -=«MÄLÅÇhïtÊ»=-

    Must Know Stats

    bambul that gdp seems really high, is that ppp? even so it still seems high i thought it was less den 400 but it keeps fluctuating coz of the exchange rate. And i remember ppp was around 570