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  1. Rahul

    who is this quin guy from ruse?

    hahah thats blacktown, you shoulda known that atleast :p
  2. Rahul

    who is this quin guy from ruse?

    charles quin i think it was...just curious here :D
  3. Rahul

    who is this quin guy from ruse?

    whats the story with him? i've heard of his name a couple of times..
  4. Rahul

    What is 1337?

    whats this "we" business? :p
  5. Rahul

    Ideas for the main site

    i liked the idea of complining essay questions, i;ve got a list for some modules and even AOS, even though that might be redundant
  6. Rahul

    I dunno is it just me or...

    lol, i got bumped up 4 marks thru nagging and negotiating too :D dumbass teacher!
  7. Rahul

    I dunno is it just me or...

    wha??! i dun get it.. i finished my trials with about 15 mins to go, but i kept writting stuff down. and it worked well for me. for the einstein/plank question i got 5/5 for pure bullshit. and for a photoelectric question i got 5/6 again for wrintting bullshit :D
  8. Rahul

    |5x+4| - |3x+7| = 5

    not really beyond 3u... graph y = |5x+4|, then label the two lines with the equations. then graph y = |3x+7| + 5 , and label the two lines. and then equate the ones that meet and find the points. that will give you the values for x
  9. Rahul

    3u elements needed for 4u exam

    yeh i got my trig identities down ok. binomials.....not vry confident :mad1:
  10. Rahul

    |5x+4| - |3x+7| = 5

    wft??? nvm, i would stick to my methods:p way too late now to change
  11. Rahul

    |5x+4| - |3x+7| = 5

    you could try graphing say y = |5x+4| and y = |3x+7| + 5 and finding the points of interception.
  12. Rahul

    Most units uv heard of done!

    hahah you accelerate yr 12 in yr 11 :p i think benno is counting on some subjetcs he did last year, i think? doing 13 myself. would have dropped sdd at the start of the year if i had the ability to travel back in time.
  13. Rahul

    OMG so funny...

    lol, if you would have said something like "my stupid teacher(s) didnt cover it" then you would have been majorly own3d
  14. Rahul

    I love 4unit

    hahha when i see lvl i think modulus of v...|v| :rolleyes:
  15. Rahul

    draw a f(x) curve from a f'(x) curve

    where the graph of f'x=0, there will a stationary point on the graph of fx. find the nature of these, check if f'x is +ve or -ve on either side of that point. if its positive, then / wil be its shape. if -ve it will be of \ shape...
  16. Rahul

    Who needs more time?

    i am a decelerant ;(
  17. Rahul

    Maths help (anyone)

    hmm...i meant are you looking to tutor rrp, affinity? lol she is very smart, or so i have noticed. i dont need tutoring now, maths will be over in 4 days :p
  18. Rahul


    likewise here :)
  19. Rahul

    3u elements needed for 4u exam

    what things from the 3u course would need revising for the 4u exam, as i have not revised all of 3u. i am thinking identites on binomial theorem..?
  20. Rahul

    Maths help (anyone)

    you looking to tutor rrp? :p