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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    I think Michael Fogarty is in charge while Sharni is away. You could try emailing him.
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    Do we? I don't remember being told that.
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    SRC Elections '07

    I can't help noticing that despite all the posturing, the SaRa FoR pReZ!!!11!!1! campaign hasn't actually made any proposals about how the SRC could be made more relevant to students. Her policy seems to be basically the same as Kate's, which is 'Keep it the way it is'. The way it is, of course...
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    Paying Full Fees

    Start of every year or semester, I'm not sure. Probably semester, because they can't actually charge you until they know exactly what units you're studying, and that doesn't get locked in until a month into each semester.
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    Paying Full Fees

    1. With CSP, you pay nothing upfront unless you want to. The amount listed next to the course is deferred to your HECS debt, which you pay back once you start earning. 2. You can get a HELP loan for full fees, which operates on the same repayment basis as HECS loans. However, it costs you 20%...
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    coles myer ONLINE assessment

    I was in the talent pool, but no jobs came up so they've chucked me out again. :( And yes, it's 2. Horizontal steps are -2 and +10, vertical steps are -4 and -4.
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    University applications - UAC PIN?

    If you haven't got it in the mail by now, you probably ought to call UAC. It might have got lost in the post or something.
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    APEC Protests

    Are today. Not a very nice day for it. Currently: ( You can even watch live thanks to the ABC: (apparently only available in WMV so far.) Looks to be pretty much a lot of...
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    Re: First Preferences? Yes, you would. You get an offer to the highest course on your list that you meet the cut-off for, no matter where on the list it is.
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    Is this bibliographic assignment meant to be 500 words or 750 words? The outline gives both in different places.
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    Most hated TV personalities

    Ian Ross. However much Seven is paying him, it's too much. He's utterly, utterly bland and speaks in a monotone.
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    ACNielsen and Morgan are different polls. Which one are you referring to?
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    SRC Elections '07

    NOW! and International Students NOW! (It's really embarassing writing these stupid ticket names.)
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! The black coat was what made me think it was you, actually. I win. :) The law plaza is going to be on a major thoroughfare and have grass, though. Unlike the chemistry courtyard, which is wedged between buildings, isn't visible from any road and is primarily...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! I feel your pain. I got four hours sleep last night finishing the damn essay. At least I now don't have to think about ancient until exams.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! I think Kathryn sent out an email saying that she would footnote with the usual Oxford Classical Dictionary abbreviations - like for Pro Murena xxvii 69 and so on - and then do the bibliography entries as the HSTY presentation guide directs for primary sources...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Woo! And so I join the people-who've-seen-Neb club. Here's the overall plan for the building works:
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    Question regarding Macquarie Uni

    What sort of subjects would you be interested in studying within Arts? Unis tend to be stronger in some subjects than others.
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    Most hated TV personalities

    Andrew O'Keefe.