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  1. chocolate_lover

    Class of 07-List of threads

    Do those other subjects have "class of 07" threads?? If not, it's kinda hard to add a thread which doesn't exist. If so, post a link of them, so I can add them to the list.
  2. chocolate_lover

    Most Useful Chemistry Book..

    Yeah, I agree, Conq Chem is really good for me.
  3. chocolate_lover

    Missed Opportunities?

    First of all, I'm really happy with the subjects I've got now. If I could've chosen more subjects, I'd have thought about computing subjects, woodwork, the histories, and geography.
  4. chocolate_lover

    Am I spendin too much time on dot points?

    56!?! :eek: If I ever get around to doing my chem notes, that's going to be fun... :o
  5. chocolate_lover

    Class of 07-List of threads

    Lots of the subjects don't have "Class of 07" threads. :uhhuh:
  6. chocolate_lover

    Class of 07-List of threads

    Here is a list of all the "Class of 2007" threads for each subject so far, just to make it easier for everyone: English English Extension 2 Science Agriculture Chemistry Physics Biology Social Science PD/H/PE Business Studies Economics Legal Studies Studies of Religion Technology Design and...
  7. chocolate_lover

    Home and Away

    loser? ratface? sexy? oh wait, you've used sexy before, but not ratface! lol! ooooh, interesting spoilers though.
  8. chocolate_lover

    2007 NRL Thread

    and no roosters :(
  9. chocolate_lover

    hey class of 07 i think we all need help

    lolz "uai'z". Oh good, I'm not the only one. It is. :uhhuh: And that's putting it nicely.
  10. chocolate_lover

    hey class of 07 i think we all need help

    nice?? wtf are u going on about?!?
  11. chocolate_lover

    Class of 2007: Roll Call

    Too many reasons to list. :o
  12. chocolate_lover

    I Am Scared.

    I soooo haven't seen a thread like this before. *cough*
  13. chocolate_lover

    Home and Away

    haha cool! where's summer hill?
  14. chocolate_lover

    Physics or Chemistry?

    for me, both are good. :uhhuh:
  15. chocolate_lover

    About you

    Says Mr 4167-posts. (at the time of writing THIS post.)
  16. chocolate_lover

    About you

    Well i kinda had a lot of say, and im a woman... lol :P So those rumours about u and Tom... are just rumours? :eek: Once u start, u won't be able to stop! LOL ^ ^ Excellent! :D
  17. chocolate_lover

    About you

    Get, not make. :) This site is good: U can request them, by registering to the site, then saying what u want it to say and look like. its really cool. :uhhuh:
  18. chocolate_lover

    Apple's New Calling: The iPhone

    haha, exactly how i feel. :uhhuh: its amazing how different places can have technology that far ahead of other places!