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    sylvia plath

    yes i did. he actually developed a gangrenous foot- which was l8er amputated b4 he died
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    space: evidence of length contraction

    particle accelerators- lenght contraction
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    Any advice to the newies?

    indeed. actually macmillan aint that bad for medical physics- its betta than some of the other texts out there oh yeah- and keep writing summary notes- don't do them all like 2 weeks b4 hsc like i just finished them the other day.. yeah know ur pracs and physics contexts 2 aint a bad textbook
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    modern example of natural selection??

    natural selection: -development of antibiotic resistance in bactera- btw u can use this example in many other places too like genetics... :p
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    Reactions of Alkanes

    eh... people working ahead- i don't get it and hsc is in 2 weeks
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    space dot pt help

    yeah it sorta comes in under the pendulum prac tho'
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    really dodgy dot points..

    yes these dot points are dodgy for a reason these dot points tend to come in under the pfa's outcomes the presribed focus areas- these pfas are tested besides the knowledge outcomes however, these pfas do not cover h13 and h14 which i recall rightly are the experimental/first-hand...
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    a very dumb motor question

    oh.. i just found the avatar off the net and photoshopped it- i have nothing against linux
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    space dot pt help

    btw 3.3.1 is a bit ambiguios i'm not sure if it was sposed to refer to variations in g- like altitude etc
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    space dot pt help

    yes.. those dot points seem to be fairly mathematically orientated heres what i quote from my study notes: 3. The Solar system is held together by gravity 3.2.1 describe a gravitational field in the region surrounding a massive object in terms of its effects on other masses in it Other...
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    acetic acid is in vinegar and i don't think someone's mentioned this but vitamin c is ascorbic acid- thus ascorbic acid is added into food for the vitamin c nutritional factor i think thats worth knowing
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    Log Book of Study:

    7 hours today :p w00tah about 5 of that would be good quality study- the other 2- er.. not so good shall we say?
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    Pencil Cases

    i love my big A4 tartan checker pencil case- with the two compartments- u can sneak in entire textbooks
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    Cloud Chamber Experiment

    oh okay.... i was wondering had me scared for a moment :p
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    a very dumb motor question

    yes emf also happens in chemistry- for those of u who don't do it.. and yes its not a force- it causes a potential difference, if hooked into a completed circuit *brings back dreaded memories of galvanic cells
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    Independent Trial 2003

    maybe i should scan in my one :p
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    The Acidic Environment!!!help!

    btw we spilled concentrated (18M) H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) on the benchtop; that was fun- it ate away the benchtop yeah excel has the volumetric titration for concentration of acetic acid in vinegar (domestic substance)- fairly simple, just neutralise, record and calculate
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    revising in these final weeks

    yeah of course the pracs- i reckon there will be at least 4 marks on pracs in the exam; at least one question *btw photoshop is good for making study notes :p
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    revising in these final weeks

    success one 2002 and 2001 HSC's 2002 and 2001 school trials thats my plan- i hope it can get me a band 6 and oh yeah do my notes