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  1. routemarker

    Australian National University

    just because cuttoffs are lower it doesnt mean its not a better course. its prolly due to it being in canberra and not in syd. i dont think a philosophy degree is worth it unless its combined with something like law.
  2. routemarker

    Which lectures have you consistenly skipped?

    i cant even watch G for Grotesque:D and PG for PornoGraphy
  3. routemarker

    Which lectures have you consistenly skipped?

    exactly! he has a BA DipEd MA hes pretty much an over qualified high school teacher so hes lecturing.
  4. routemarker

    Which lectures have you consistenly skipped?

    Yea the guy gets totally high on maths i would have gone very well in 3u if he was my teacher. funny though he has a MA which is peculiar since most math majors would be doing sci.
  5. routemarker

    Disgusting things at Quad East Wing

    lol even if he did which he doesnt it still doesnt give the right for someone to do such an act.
  6. routemarker

    Which lectures have you consistenly skipped?

    Peter Brown is very short id say bout 5'5" i was very surprised he doesnt really look short in the lectures tho.
  7. routemarker

    Australian National University

    ANU is oz top uni esp for all law and those type of degrees because of its proximity and influence from canberra. Its very highly regarded.
  8. routemarker

    Disgusting things at Quad East Wing

    My friend told me while he was in the toilet at the quad building bottom floor that the guy in the cubicle next to him decided to get on his knees and stick his dick through the opening between the wall and floor. probably expecting a blowjob but never the less my friend ran outtathere. im...
  9. routemarker


    ha he should sharpen it on his thick skull:chainsaw: lol
  10. routemarker

    Wife Swap

    na anaconda is good pretty funny on the account of it being funny:D also lizzie maguire is good my sis tapes it and now i watch it.
  11. routemarker


    na deena is just too vocal about it so everybody saw her intentions and thought she was caniving and trying to be manipulative 'game is mine' now that gets you off. but rob only talks to one person - matt and when hes with the group hes just a spectator. rob is too good nobody suspects a thing...
  12. routemarker


    they take your uni and your UAI. if you dont get your uni results in time to give to the UAC b4 15 june then they will only consider your uai. just hope not many ppl with high UAI's will go for your course:D
  13. routemarker


    i say thats the most logical explanation i mean would you just say 'ill strip for a coke'? nobodys that desperate but it was funny tho. Next guy out i believe will be either matt or deena.
  14. routemarker

    Youth worker...

    i say do B Sc as you can major in psych and combine that with studies from other areas as diverse as economics, marketing, civil eng, commerce units etc
  15. routemarker

    The Quad - USyd vs UNSW

    well if youre at the red centre chances are youre either doing maths or FBE degrees. I go to the red centre for my calculus tutorial.
  16. routemarker


    here are your choice of courses for admission into session 2 B Arts University of New South Wales F/P H 422002 B Arts/B Education University of New South Wales F H 422006 B Social Science University of New South Wales F/P H 425002 B...
  17. routemarker

    Passions- im addicted

    i used to be addicted to it, i would rush home everyday just to see what will happen when ethan finds out teresa was the 'stalker'. the highlight of the show for me was when the FINALLY found out thet ethan is sam bennets son. took freakin 6 months! i havent watched an ep since the HSC exams so...
  18. routemarker

    Which lectures have you consistenly skipped?

    ROFLMAO i remember that from today it was the only lec i went to:D i think thats the sign of a true maths teacher. but the strange thing is hes always on task and you cant confuse him and gaudry who is a proff gets distracted by a phone ringing:rolleyes:. what i really remember from one of...
  19. routemarker

    CHEM 1031 Higher Chemistry 1C

    yes i hate those macs too and we should tell someone to change this rule because i got 4 last week and if i get another 4 i need to get 5 in all gut to get this measly 10%. but im going to do it today with my trusty SI Chemical Data book which has an electronegativity table and teh shape of all...
  20. routemarker

    Guild Day Out 2003

    I remember thinking in the morning if this thing was going to get off the ground. I suspect that only a very small of devoted followers showed up.