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  1. truly-in-bliss

    School Texts; The Dark Side.

    i quite lyk that.. haha but then again i am a fan of coleridge, wordsworth, keats, shelley and all da poets of the Romantic era.... v fond of the emphasis on the organic and the imagination. i lyked that too... i thought it was touching... i hate Emma ... and anything of Austen's dont...
  2. truly-in-bliss

    jay chow new songs... :)

    i love jay!! hahah
  3. truly-in-bliss

    Australian Idol

    i luv dicko... i gues they are judging the performances in terms of the genres the songs belong to.... to us shannons songs suck.. butfor the rock genre.. it aint too bad.... but yeah standing ovation turn into standing oblivion after a while
  4. truly-in-bliss


    iambored i think u didnt include one important group? hahhaha ahem! < *pts at her position* ahah :p
  5. truly-in-bliss

    EAS: ripping off the system?

    did the first gal get the concession?
  6. truly-in-bliss

    EAS: ripping off the system?

    5 pt onli for usyd.. other unis have diff arrangments..
  7. truly-in-bliss

    EAS: ripping off the system?

    its onli extra 5 pts at syd... the system differs for other unis.. like with unsw, there dont tell u the amount they will give u.. they basicalli pick the top pplz.. and for law.. the mini requirement is lyk 98 i think..... which is abt 1 pt somethinb below the acutal uai... so as u can...
  8. truly-in-bliss

    EAS: ripping off the system?

    most prob they wont get it.. cuz with servere stress issues the person would have gone to a specialist ie: a psychologist..... and u cant see a psycholgist as fast as a GP... ususalli the interval between the next appointment would be a wk or a few wks... and usaulli their applciaiton would...
  9. truly-in-bliss

    TV shows from our childhood...*sigh*

    i remember art attack used to be fav.... also king barbar... hahaha
  10. truly-in-bliss

    EAS: ripping off the system?

    Educational Access Scheme.... i think with that, you have to be aware that there are professionals who are juding it, hence those who who are ripping off the system wil be detected or consdiered not important enough to receive the benefit. I know they do a lot of bakc up checks etc, so if...
  11. truly-in-bliss

    Who are the current teen queens?

    nikkie webster.. i duno.. she doesnt act for her age.. wears far too much make up.. and isnt as *natural* as hillry duff who is abt the same age..
  12. truly-in-bliss

    sorry 2 annoy but...UAI???

    iam inlcined towards high 80s skool would help
  13. truly-in-bliss

    could ppl plz give me a UAI prediction...

    hey RR, say if i did all of those subjects (in post 1), excpt did lyk advanced english and 2 u maths..... then what would the estimation be?
  14. truly-in-bliss


    dat mark he meant is a prediciton of the one he is gonna get via mail...
  15. truly-in-bliss

    im reserving a dance with Huy

    dirty bastard.. haha
  16. truly-in-bliss

    What did you think?

    leon ur on a warning no flame war please
  17. truly-in-bliss

    Worst TV Shows!!

    yeah i cant beleive they got the logies.. they must thought domestic issues is the key... hence increased their dieting episodes..and thos con man episodes.. and those which food is the fattiest episodes and those bad building inspector episodes.. ahah
  18. truly-in-bliss

    im reserving a dance with Huy

    hahah dont bother resrving a dance.. haha just go and dance with pplz.. and eventualli u will pick up a few chicks here and there... ahha
  19. truly-in-bliss

    Most Over-exposed Celebs Today

    and he has a gf.. dunno abt them now.. haha