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  1. michael1990

    Cheating in a HSC assessment/test.

    Our classes were never actually controlled in years 7-10. Could have cheated so easily.
  2. michael1990

    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents Same here. I wish they put a little more pressure on me.
  3. michael1990

    Commissioned Based Job?

    You have no idea, what you're talking about. At least say something that contributes to the thread, without boring anyone.
  4. michael1990

    Commissioned Based Job?

    Yes, so YOU were one of the few that could develop those interpersonal skills, which are the most important when dealing directly with customers. Again i will use another quote to answer your question. You said this before hand, which is incorrect. As if a business is that stupid to not...
  5. michael1990

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    I always challenge my teachers, ALWAYS! I must be one of those real pain the arses, that everyone goes, oh please don't challenge me. But most of the time i am right, but sometimes i am wrong. Naturally.
  6. michael1990

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Its not that i think Advance English isn't also important. But the way that person had said no its just advanced english was incorrect and need to be awaken that standard is also just as important.
  7. michael1990

    Commissioned Based Job?

    Firstly i do agree with some of your points, but others i do not. I am sorry if you're so successful in your international business based on commissions i believe you're selling yourself short by saying you don't have good interpersonal skills. You must. Interpersonal skills are the basis for...
  8. michael1990

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Why just english advanced? What is that based on? are you stating people doing standard english don't learn the same skills? If you so you're sadly mistaken.
  9. michael1990

    Good, ink-saving font for uni notes?

    I am not at UNI but i use: Verdana Size 12 Baskerville Old Face Size 12 Or Bookman Old Style Size 12.
  10. michael1990

    Commissioned Based Job?

    I suppose if you have AWESOME interpersonal skills, as well as selling skills. You would do awesome. But most people don't because they lack the right qualities.
  11. michael1990

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    Usually, people are good at both. What do you find hard about mathematics?
  12. michael1990

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    How do they contribute more to the economy? Oh okay, understand now. But they try to make it work. A lot theory isn't applicable in reality. This is the aim of most businesses. They are there to also make a profit of course, as well as non-profit. I don't want a career which is all about...
  13. michael1990

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    The argument was not what scientists actually do for society. But an argument for how many people actually become scientists. I don't understand where biology comes from with these engineers? Money makes the world go around. Basic economic principal, says unlimited wants and limited resources...
  14. michael1990

    Take Two: Holiday Plans

    About time you won TENNIS lmao I KIDD I KIDD Sarah Marshall? When we going?
  15. michael1990

    Business/economics Tutor 96 Uai

    I live in Campbelltown, i also live on acres. Which makes travel a lot more difficult. As on weekends there are no buses. Would you be willing to travel to Campbelltown? It less than 30mins away by memory.
  16. michael1990

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    But how many people actually go on to be a scientist? Really? I think it would be a smaller percentage than say Commerce. If its like that, you could say well Economics and Business because they usually allow people to earn a lot of money which will in turn improve their quality of life.
  17. michael1990

    Drop General Maths?

    No i don't think so. Correct me if i am wrong but its your RAW marks that are counted towards the calualation of the UAI?
  18. michael1990

    Bombed out this term :(

    You will be fine man Just relax and try harder next time. :)
  19. michael1990

    Business/economics Tutor 96 Uai

    Sounds very good. Where abouts do you tutor?