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    Y12 03 - Assessment Marks/HSC Marks

    u can use the old lazseeker and ur uai will be quite high just looking at ur marks
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    4 u english vs 4 u maths

    yes.. that was me considering to do both:D but i'm only doing 3u maths and 3u english now apparently both 4u courses aren't that hard!
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    HSC Marking

    i agree.. like the teacher says. never leave a blank answer they can't mark you down for not knowing something, but they can't give u marks for leaving it blank.. so u earn marks, not lose them!:p
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    Biology texts...

    true. excel is too brief.. but its good for quickly checking up info on specific dot points i used excel in year 11 for like "jump-starting' my assessments--which meant finding out what i had to do for the asst!:D
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    we've done maintaining a balance more than halfway thru our "mega-topic" which is genetics (option) and blueprint of life combined --- thats like the first prac in the syllabus!!!!!!!
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    How I remeber the Nucleotide Bases

    i 'jus remember it. end of story.. i'm not sure how exactly tho:D i just do.. a-t g-c t replaced with u in rna
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    Tips for Half Yearlys

    i guess i joined the thread a tad late :D but our bio was on: -maintaining a balance - blueprint of life - option: genetics the code broken
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    Need Help On Dot Point

    its also good to know about Newtonian relativity and inertial frames of reference in terms of Newton's first law;)
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    for us pracs don't count.. only for class marks which goes onto reports for our parents. we have big asst pracs that form part of assessment tasks which in turn is internal asst but in the real HSC exams u just gotta know the pracs.. ur not gonna be swinging pendulums at each other in the...
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    dot point- SPACE

    i had trouble with this dot point too.. but only for length contraction it shortens the distance u need to travel.. (according to my physics teacher) so therefore u have to take it into account when travelling long distances at relativistic velocities but taking into account time dilation...
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    help with some space dot points

    Re: Re: help with some space dot points its been chopped from the syllabus thats what i think... but its good to understand anywayz
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    Space ques... simple.... but not that easy !

    you probably get 0 because the change in weight is virtually negligible.. but ur method seems to be rite
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    what are you up to

    reading this thread makes me feel ahead:D we've done maintainning a balance and our teacher has combined blueprint of life and the option genetics the code broken and in that mega topic we've done just over half
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    New dot point for 2003

    actually we've done this dot point it relates to mutations i'll scan in my flow chart that i did.. no textbooks or nothing used all off the top of my head and post it here
  15. T do you get a band 6 in biology?

    use scientific terminology and like others said.. be heaps specific and answer the question directly
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    true that exams are basically just copies of the dot points?

    yeah i totally agree.. thats what i do actually cept i don't have past paperss.... its also good to know the syllabus.. so like tammer said "u can see the dot points in the question"
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    What do you guys think of Bio?

    we're going to the disease museum as well pity i've already been like in yr9 hehe
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    some questions on the syllabus

    actually conquering chemistry's example is technetium-99m and its quite detailed on that one.
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    Study, study, study... and dot points

    actually for the science subjects the best way is prollly: read the textbook as you do the work, like after classes... do each dot point make urself familiar with the syllabus.. it helps in exams i reckon
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    What would my UAI be if..

    its hard to say really.. because if u do well enough in the suposed "scale-down" subjects.. the scaling doesn't really affect u tho i'm not sure about the stats on those subjects