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  1. underthesun

    Problem - Need Advice

    maybe it's just me, but i never had a flu that really stops my brain working. anyways recover quickly, and best wishes. watch out for burglars in your house!
  2. underthesun


    is that a super binomial question? one way to do it is (a + b + c + d)^11 find the total of all the coefficients, but i can't do that :(
  3. underthesun

    questionable proofing method

    i see. Hmm, i hope i'll be able to do it fast enough.
  4. underthesun

    Someone broke into my house.. I was here :(

    dah, i actually confronted the muscular (description) burglar, nearly had a fight with him, and he had the chance to threaten me with a needle. (you want aids mate?) does my house need some kind of harder security?
  5. underthesun


    Freestyler, For Your Information the guy said that he had a mistake.
  6. underthesun

    Someone broke into my house.. I was here :(

    Yep, that's right. Ironically it happened while i was reading a thread in another forum about a break-in in america, where the burglar was killed. And the houseman was charged with 5 years prison. The burglar left.. And police came and interviewed me etc.. Do you think they'll come back...
  7. underthesun

    questionable proofing method

    For proofing, instead of going through long workouts to go: a = (the long working) = (some more working) = b can you just go put a = b, then try to prove both side's equality? that is LHS = RHS.. and can you do that for induction.
  8. underthesun

    Another year, another unjust HSC

    in the olympics there are female and male 100m. why can't there be one for school as well? :D
  9. underthesun

    The subject I hate most is ...

    bravo! english could be the government's one of the top social engineering tool :)
  10. underthesun

    HOw much work with these subjects?

    if you want to get high class ranking, better do the assignments as soon as you get them. I'll do that next year, but til my 4unit maths exam, till then.. :) just be a nerd. It helps and don't hurt too much. And if you're a TV fan it's a waste of time except for news..
  11. underthesun

    If you were Guaranteed a uni entry...

    for the sake of ego, increasing friend's scaling, and fun, i would hell yeah :) not so much days to sacrifice :p
  12. underthesun

    Does anyone have a really crappy HSC Time table...?

    is Indonesian good? I have always been bad in language, even back in indonesia :( is it teaching you language or is it the same kind of teachings like english?
  13. underthesun

    A comforting thought!

    gonna study by yourself? some teachers won't let you :(
  14. underthesun


    what about the social and ethical issues? the other student's response, calling you an ass, etc. :)
  15. underthesun

    Scream! (& cry ...)

    i have different counts than you people, 7 extra days until maths :) chill, children :D
  16. underthesun

    Good God...its nearly here

    because i only have 4 units of maths to exam, and that i studied weeks of 5 hour/days :) edit: i'm ready to kill the exam judicators :graduate: :sniper:
  17. underthesun

    Mr Howard shot dead 9:26 pm est, CNN News

    where's thy linketh? I'm the halal jihad division from the indonesian laskar jihad group. jihad sounds cool :)
  18. underthesun

    Another year, another unjust HSC

    i say boys are underperforming. i was supposed to be #1 at maths :smirks: :D but for all of the prelim year and the first half of the HSCyear i did not do a single homework, or revision, save that 1 day before test, and played starcraft broodwar online for hours daily? then i realised...