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  1. routemarker

    UNSW signage font

    does anybody know where i can find the font that UNSW use for its signage and publications? I kind of like it.
  2. routemarker


    not sure it seems they want to finish off the guardian and law and order while viewership is high. i think they will show it a little later but ill call ch ten bout this tomz. not happy jan!!
  3. routemarker


    i think shauna is the hottest there. beats hidi and jenna hands down:D
  4. routemarker

    Girl/guy courses!

    i think phys is the only course where there are more males than females. prolly about 60-70% male
  5. routemarker

    Which sketch show is better: Comedy Inc or skithouse?

    i think skithouse is funnier. they are more original and dont try hard to take off other shows, they do their own thing. my fave from it was when two customs guys were making bets on how many guys tuck their shirts in their underpants. that was funny but sketshow is still numberone IMO
  6. routemarker


    im absolutely crazy about jackass its the best show ever. i didnt watch the movie in the cinema but just downloaded it a couple of months b4 it opened here. but they are very crude with one of them craping in a display toilet in a plumbing store, pure hilarity. disgusting but still hilarious:D
  7. routemarker


    yes it is very obvious that they are fake thats why she kept her bra on when they bathed. I bet theres a years supply of lube in those breasts:D and thank the lord that joanna is gone, kicked out, eliminated. good ridance for bad rubbish now lets kick out Jean shes starting to piss me off.
  8. routemarker

    Want to meet @ UNSW?

    Im avaliable at: MON @ 2 TUE @ 5 WED @ 2 THUR @ 4 FRI @ 11 FRI @ 12 FRI @ 3
  9. routemarker

    Biology - molecules, cells and other boring crap...

    edoplasmic reticulum lol they lost me when they said that!
  10. routemarker

    An all new Uni forum >>>

    hey get yourselves to its just starting up and looking for mods for maq, UWS and wollongong ( sice syd, nsw and uts r taken:p ). Support the forum!!!! see you guys there:D routemarker
  11. routemarker

    Anyone watched Charmed lately?

    id say the 3rd and 4th season were the best but its getting very old now and i think this is the last season. I dont think prue aint comming back since shannen was fired an all that for being very vocal on the set and tension between her and alyssa. i havent watched an ep of this season and am...
  12. routemarker

    Who has a crazy lecturer?

    nope i sit in the first couple of rows. That guy is just a freak i hope rob doesnt provoke him too badly even know that it would be a joke but some ppl can 'click' at times. But it is always the lecture i look forward to esp with the Na demo:D
  13. routemarker

    Biology - molecules, cells and other boring crap...

    r u finding it hard to keep your mind on track in the lectures? i cant help but want to go to sleep. so how are you finding it? interesting or a complete bore?
  14. routemarker

    Who has a crazy lecturer?

    i think rob has set a standard and now e all expect a show from him. Well thats what i think anyway:D
  15. routemarker

    Who has a crazy lecturer?

    lol Rob Rulz hes by far the best lecturer ive got and that barracade thing was hilarious some guy knocked and then left lol. Its these lecturers that get the info stuck in your head! youre refering to the demo with the flamable He gas filled baloons right? *KABOOM* i got quite a fright...
  16. routemarker

    Psychology students?

    i was going to get into that but psych clashes with my existing timetable so im just dealin with phys. do you plan to major in psych?
  17. routemarker

    NewSouth Student online

    i think ill do that then at o week
  18. routemarker

    NewSouth Student online

    um ive laready checked all the majors avaliable and only 2 require physics and im not interested in both. Im choosing psych for the social benifits of knowing how ppl behave and react and why they behave the way they do. Im not sure its a timetable clash because the classes are and hour...
  19. routemarker

    B Science

    hey with psyc 1a do you have any lectures? because i did a class search and the only thing that came up were tutorials. Im asking because i cant seem to swap phys for psych as i cant find a related class
  20. routemarker

    NewSouth Student online

    Ive been trying to swap physics 1a with psychology 1a but it doesnt seem to work im getting really pissed. is there a chance i can get to unsw and have someone do it for me? Its not that i dont know how to do it its because im having problems!