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  1. Rahul

    worked solutions to patel textbook?

    doesnt his text have worked answers at the back?
  2. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    wow! i thought it would be 20+, like engineering. how many hours do you do for eng/acturials?
  3. Rahul

    Need a Tutor?

    i dont think its that big a deal to post about;) unless ofcourse it is sp... ok, i'm out of mclake's thread *jumps out*
  4. Rahul

    Need a Tutor?

    no need to.....bumps are very important in this section, i know :D
  5. Rahul

    birthday letters help! about using plath's journals and letters? thats what our school is using. the poems can be directly related to hughes' poems. and the letters act as a resembelence to the real truth
  6. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    they usually talk about them in terms of weekly hours
  7. Rahul

    Retreat From The Global

    yeh they are hard to come by... umm i dont know if this will help, but try downloading some rftg stuff from bos, and try to find out the names of some of the related materials they use. i used an article, but you wont find it on the net, i have tried.
  8. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    how much are the normal commerce hours?
  9. Rahul

    alternatives to not making acst

    what are the hours involved in acturials? *worried* how does that compare to the other commerce- with a major subjects?
  10. Rahul

    Maths Tip and Hints

    i did not the word practice in big bold letters.:)
  11. Rahul

    Astrophysics help needed...

    i can help you for 2. :)
  12. Rahul

    Sydney boys trial answers?

    maybe they go to sbh...
  13. Rahul

    Cartoon Character

    homer is my bestest of all time, it is just hillarious to watch him:lol:
  14. Rahul

    Excel books

    i dont get it? :confused:
  15. Rahul

    Excel books

    HI! hahah kids.... just relax....i'm still selling the books nice n cheap. btw, anyone still interested in the kamasutra books, pm me. i'm discrete;)
  16. Rahul

    shud i begin the major project?

    learn more about the programming language. thats what i would have done in my situation. find out the quality of the top programs from last yr and learn from them. set up a log book, ie like a database or something that you can use. make it fancy or whatever. go through your program package...
  17. Rahul

    space dot pt help

    it is very hard, because this is from section 3, which was changed entrirely after the ammendment. so most people wouldnt have even covered it in class, like me:(. the best bet would be do use the old syllabus texts, i'm sure there will be some in the local library, and make notes using that...
  18. Rahul

    guesstimate my uai

    i would say mid - high 90's, above 95 should be attainable edit/ fixed up guesstimate:D
  19. Rahul


    i have never really compared the actual test papers, but the 3u computing studies book by fowler is very similar to his sdd book.
  20. Rahul

    now yr 12 is over, what was your fav subject?

    would have to be a cross between physics and extension english. note: the amount of work i put into them is not proportional to their liking! ;):p