i like this design:
the guy's insane though. if i were to get a 240Z i'm probably going to spend 10 years learning about being a mechanic for recreational reading and the rest of my life trying to fix it up.
God dammit just go to a Harry Potter fansite. That Fleur looked nothing like the Fleur I imagined. Same goes for the new cast in Goblet of Fire! Especially Cho Chang! She was supposed to look like my crush! :(
Yeah it is expensive. I think I've spent approximately $280 on it already. Only reason I keep playing it is cause it's the only real thing I enjoy these days. I'm so bored with everything else in my life but this game makes me content.
TIE Fighter
Knights Of The Old Republic II
Grand Thief Auto: San Andreas
Civilisation III
The Sims 2 + University expansion
Pokemon gameboy series
Smash Bros N64
Star Wars: Rebellion
Need For Speed: Underground 2
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2
Some of you have already read the articles about the new nationalisation of student competency reports. The SMH is doing a report this week on each subject for the state. What do you think about the introduction of national ranking of student competencies...
Namely legal and ethical problems arising from conscent, autonomy and the ability to judge what is appropriate at a young age. This goes back to the rape articles.
That seems like it's going to take alot of abuse from prudish and semi-prudish readers.