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  1. michael1990

    Can someone tell me the difference between "Analyse" "explain" and "discuss"?

  2. michael1990

    Never Back Down

    MAN! i saw it today :) I loved it! the chick um... B-someone SO HOT! and the fighting was awesome! Great Movie, loved the trainer! (from Blood Diamond)
  3. michael1990

    Sex...Shaved or no Shaved?

    People do that shit? thats sick!
  4. michael1990

    age difference in a relationship

    I dunno, i just find it strange. Well as you get older the gap will of course increase. BUT UP TO A CERTAIN POINT!
  5. michael1990

    age difference in a relationship

    Yeah agree with the first part of your statement. but i believe more than 5 years is a little strange.
  6. michael1990

    Im sick of this...

    You need to put more effort in man.
  7. michael1990

    Something is wrong...

    I did Engineering at the start of the year. But dropped it when i found out that our teacher taught us subjects which aren't in the HSC. Nor did he always follow the syllabus. He used to be a Mechanical Engineer.
  8. michael1990

    Soda Water

    see i always thought it was good for you. I suppose 'carbonated' water isn't good for you, only the water part is?
  9. michael1990

    looking for a job over 100k when graduate?

    thats good. When you say a lot of travelling. How far? And what does your degree consist of?
  10. michael1990

    Economics scaling?

    The difficulty of all subjects comes down the individual. Remember there is several kinds of intellegences. Just because a subject may be easy for someone, it could be very difficult for another.
  11. michael1990

    Soda Water

    I love SODA water. Drink it all the time. But is it bad for you?
  12. michael1990

    When is the 2008 HSC Exam Timetable released?

    I would LOVE to have an exam then a day off, then another exam and so forth. OH WOW! That would be awesome!
  13. michael1990

    Are You Currently Your Natural Hair Colour?

    Um... I am currently my natural hair colour. But i did have blonde streaks throughout my hair. Until recently when i changed it, i think and most other people think it looks so so much better lol.
  14. michael1990

    Information Technology HALF YEARLY TOMORROW!!!

    I need some information for my half yearly tomorrow. As in class we don't have THEORY lessons. So it makes it really difficult to study. If anyone has any help they could offer, i would be really glad to here it.
  15. michael1990

    trouble with english standard

    The students doing Standard english have a very small percentage of them recieving a Band 5 or Higher.
  16. michael1990

    age difference in a relationship

    What i said was... so yes, that would mean, i find more than q year when you are High School to be weird. And sometimes disgusting.
  17. michael1990

    age difference in a relationship

    LOL YEP persecution can be a bitch.
  18. michael1990

    age difference in a relationship

    Well i said 2-5 years. But if you were at High School, i wouldn't go much beyond 1 year. But when you compare a 28 year old to a 23 year old it doesn't sound that bad. So its a personal choice. Also i don't believe there should be double standards regarding men and women.
  19. michael1990

    What's the best internet provider..

    Your statement is incorrect. I can talk to women. I cannot however tell one woman in question how i feel. Thus making your statement void.
  20. michael1990

    niche market and mass market????

    Wouldn't a Mass Market suit Qantas? I mean it doesn't target a 'special' market. But everyone who wants to fly? Being Mass?