Search results

  1. T

    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    I've received about a million letters and emails from them telling me that I'm registered and to go to Eastern Avenue foyer, but there's nothing amidst the deluge that's actually from my mentor. Shame.
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    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    The time depends on your group, I think. I'm in Blue and I have to arrive at 10. I'm pretty sure Red is earlier. (Are there any other groups?) Campus map: Eastern Avenue is at K19. So what sort of stuff are we actually doing on...
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    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    You may be a bit late, but try
  4. T

    B...b...b...Beachball 07

    Serious? I'm not practically the youngest first year? Woo!
  5. T

    B...b...b...Beachball 07

    Would be, except that it's an 18+ event and I'll be a couple of weeks short. Bastards.
  6. T

    Subject choices

    Looking for a bit of advice on a couple of subjects, since the subject reviews thread doesn't seem to have much (or, more accurately, anything) on first-year archaeology. So I'm tossing up between philosophy (PHIL1011 Reality, Ethics and Beauty) and archaeology (ARPH1001 Introduction to...
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    Arts Network Mentoring Program

    It doesn't give us names - just says what group you're in, where to go, when to go and what'll be happening. I'm in Team Blue, but I'm not sure if I want to go yet. I'll probably have to decide in the next day or so.
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    the amazing race

    Just looked it up and the Double Ds came 8th, eliminated in Leg 4. (8th was also the highest they ever placed - in the first leg they came 9th out of 11.) To be fair, they were yielded in the leg they were eliminated in, but they were still a bad team and neither of them deserves to be called an...
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    Anyone elses school not allowing them to watch......?

    You needed a signed note to watch an M-rated film in year 10?
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    I Am Scared.

    Our supervisors were really friendly. Just like our normal school ones, actually. The HSC exams are really just like every other exam, except that you have to write out your student and centre numbers about fifty thousand goddamn times for every paper. Don't get too stressed about them.
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    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    Why's the careers advisor involved in selecting people for courses? (And why can't your school handle more than two people doing it?)
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    Law Society of NSW's Inter School Mock Trial

    Hell yeah. Second barrister's a great position, even if it is a bit high-stress at times (principally in the ludicrously short period when you finish off the closing address).
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    HELP with major for Commerce/Science Degree

    For a combined 5-year degree I think you have to do 6 years for honours. I think you can either tack the honours year on the end or do it sometime in the middle (provided you've already completed the part of the degree you want to do honours in).
  14. T

    STuffed up my hsc

    No. 1: If you went well in the assessments you can't know absolutely nothing about the subjects. 2: There's plenty of time to revise material. Look at textbooks, handouts, friends' stuff, etc. 3: There's more than just the one module in the HSC. etc. Just keep working and revising and you'll...
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    Frustrating Ads

    I think Debnam's already lost himself the election. He lost it pretty much as soon as he became leader, possibly before.
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    Just because a subject won't count towards your UAI doesn't necessarily make it 'a waste of time'. You might want to do the subject just because you're interested in it, shocking as the idea may seem. But yes, it will count if it's in the top ten units, and a 2U subject will be half-weighted.
  17. T

    What Clubs and Socs are you joining this year?

    -Politics soc -ALP Club, if I can muster the enthusiasm -Debating? I was a debater in high school, but I haven't done it for a while, so I'm not sure whether I should go for it or not. -Archaeology Society -Gaius Gracchus? If I don't get turned off by the whole 'togas are sexy' thing. Ick. Any...
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    Law Society of NSW's Inter School Mock Trial

    Yeah. Best ever, even if it takes forever to prepare.
  19. T

    Frustrating Ads

    Any ad in which the owner of the company appears. All it says to me is that the CEO doesn't know anything about marketing and wants to be in the limelight. eg. Allphones and that car place (Ultrasomething?)
  20. T

    Modern History Studying Tips

    Re: How do you study for MH? Don't bother making notes based on dotpoints in history subjects, if you ask me. There's too much material. Just organise your notes thematically under the key features and issues in the syllabus.