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  1. chocolate_lover

    Ultimate Procrastination!!!

    chemistry 2morrow... :S
  2. chocolate_lover

    Socally Crippled Or Enhanced?? Quick Questionaire :) Thanks!!

    ARE you : Male Female How old are you: 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 Where do you live: Rural Urban Do you have a casual job? Yes/No How many computers are within your home: 1 2 3 4 5 6+ What is your main purpose for using the computer: Socializing Homework Games Other...
  3. chocolate_lover

    How to Improve in English?

    we were forced to do study guides for each of the texts we studied. :(
  4. chocolate_lover

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    For the Newtown Jets vs Saints game, its 18 all at half time... Update: The Jets won!! 38-28 This looks good for the Roosters future! :uhhuh:
  5. chocolate_lover

    Yearly Prem. Exam Next Week!! :(

    My exams started today, with a 1 1/2 hour English paper; I also have another English one next Monday. I've got an exam in the morning every day until next Friday, except for thursday which is the yr 12 graduation.
  6. chocolate_lover

    How tough is it doing all 3 science subjects???!

    Yeah, we've got 1 physics class too, with 9 boys and me. I'm also the only girl in PD/H/PE, which also has around 9 boys.
  7. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    Welcome to BOS! Is that one of your first exams, or one of your last?
  8. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    I had english today... After that we stayed back a bit to look at some past Ag papers, that was pretty good. Oh yeah, and we got chocolate biscuits to eat!! I've got PD/H/PE tomorrow so that should be better.
  9. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    Lol, a sex scene with parasites!!
  10. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    Sounds like my type of McFlurry! Today was my last day of yr 11. :(/:) We spent it doing revision, and talking about completely unrelated things (like NRL) :D My exams start tomorrow, starting off with my fav. English /end sarcasm, and go for 2 weeks.
  11. chocolate_lover

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    The bunnies. :)
  12. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    Same... ;)
  13. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    At my school, if we need to go to the toilet, the teacher (usually) just writes a note saying your name, the date and time.
  14. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    hahaha, lucky u. which sport r u doing your essay on?
  15. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    My day was good, short and sweet. I love being in yr 11, and being able to come home early (instead of doing sport). :D
  16. chocolate_lover

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    Me too
  17. chocolate_lover

    Advanced/Standard English

    I've finally made up my mind, and I've decided to do what the majority of people that have posted here said to do, stick with Advanced. Thanks everyone for your advice!!
  18. chocolate_lover

    Help With Pdh

    Also, once you get the notes, cross off the dotpoints that you understand, and spend more time reading over the notes that aren't crossed out. How can you not enjoy pd/h/pe? :eek:
  19. chocolate_lover

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? I've played netball against your school. :uhhuh:
  20. chocolate_lover

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    Cool, they won! Good. :) Yeah, that's right. It's the 2 teams that lose, closest to the bottom of the Top 8, that are eliminated.