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  1. SoCal

    mature age entry

    I doubt it is PELS (Postgraduate Education Loans Scheme). As the name suggests, that is for Postgraduate students:).
  2. SoCal

    Internet Speed

    Thanks dude but it looks like it is only available in Sydney:(. It is cheaper than I expected though:).
  3. SoCal

    university level competitions in maths, computing or business???

    Not that I am aware of. I don't think they run them at all:).
  4. SoCal

    Internet Speed

    How much do you think it would roughly cost, because there is no way that my dad would pay more than $40 per month:(.
  5. SoCal

    Internet Speed

    I am about forty minutes outside of Newcastle:).
  6. SoCal

    Mathematics And Marketing

    Yeah, I am doing Statistics this semester too. I don't mind it, there are a lot worse subjects:(.
  7. SoCal

    Internet Speed

    Does anyone have a faster connection than cable, i.e. T1+:D?
  8. SoCal

    Internet Speed

    I doubt they would have wireless broadband somewhere they don't have regular broadband:(.
  9. SoCal

    Internet Speed

    I am still on my Dial-Up connection, which usually only connects at 28.8 Kbps. It is really painful. They don't offer broadband where I live:mad:.
  10. SoCal

    How much download a month

    I hate Dial-Up:mad:! I can only download 600 MB per month (20 MB per day). Everyone should really feel sorry for me. It is so hard to live like this:mad:.
  11. SoCal


    Oh well, I have given up on the thread now:(. Haha, there is no one called "Sean", I think you are talking about "Seth", which would be the same person that looks like Millsy? You really must watch it, you are doing yourself a disservice if you don't:p!
  12. SoCal

    The OC: Who should Seth be with?

    Yes, I am not claiming that Summer has always been nice to him. I still believe however, that she was warming up to him before Anna came back to The O.C.:).
  13. SoCal

    Elliot Smith - From A Basement On The Hill

    True, so I guess it depends what kind of music you are into. Between the Bars is one of my favourite Elliott Smith songs:).
  14. SoCal

    Mathematics And Marketing

  15. SoCal

    umat/ medicine at Newcastle

    I don't think there is a swamp anymore. I think there may have been one before they built the University though:(.
  16. SoCal

    Connecting to the Internet through a University phone line?

    It it true that you can use the University's Internet connection from home? Some people were trying to tell me that you can access the Internet through a University phone line. Is this true:confused:?
  17. SoCal

    American vs British (AU included) education

    I think our Pass mark should be more than 50%. That means someone could technically get a degree and only know half of what they were required:eek:.
  18. SoCal

    umat/ medicine at Newcastle

    The Mosquitoes are terrible. I was getting attacked so bad last week:mad:.
  19. SoCal

    BBusiness vs BCommerce?

    Some Business degrees (such as Newcastle's) do not offer a major in Accounting:).
  20. SoCal

    paris and philipoussis?

    That is what I am trying to say. I don't like the fact that people have this fake image, but that is probably why I don't like Popular music:).