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  1. T


    Who the hell is Virgil Donati?
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    Half Life 2 is interesting. Me needs to study now.
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    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    Next will be performing at Stardust Hotel as well. I'm getting Gold seating Nat cause even though my friends a fan she's not the dancing type. I'll be in section 11, dunno what row though.
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    I downloaded the demo this morning and was really disappointed. They had pretty good mods and a large range of cars. Oh well. The AI sucked hard.
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    Jackson verdict NOT GUILTY!

    The King is free! Our Lord can finally return to his throne!
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    wat is it the youth of today really want

    i remember the days of looney tunes before all that PC bullshit which cut 60% of the cartoons taking away all the good stuff like speedy gonzales because it stereotyped mexicans. i want looney tunes!
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    ARGH! my eyes! :chainsaw: do you even know her WTF? you're so mean posting a comment in her tag board.
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    cause even though you're honkie you're not THAT fobby. i think i've developed a thing for honkies since the TWINS concert :p ^.^
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    Twins Concert~

    I <3 Charlene Choi!!!! XD
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    Janiz isn't fobby. How are you? :)
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    Choosing The Movie and Sitting Through "Chick Flicks"

    First we walked into a cinema and there was all these 'scary' previews. The movie starts and it was The Ring 2 and my friend left cause she wanted to watched Miss Congeniality (sp?) 2 and we bought tickets to that, even though I rather stay. Anyways I sat through the chick flick wishing I'd...
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    does anyone have it or want to get it yet. i'm dying for a new racing game. been playing NFS:U2 waiting for this to come out.
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    my computer is completely funked. can't even load windows. currently on other sister's computer.
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    should have brought it with you one the plane :p
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    man that is SO wrong!
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    washing hair once a week?

    washing your hair once a week is one week too many :p same goes with showering :D
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    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    Star Wars - Episode III Revenge Of The Sith ( plus Bonus Music DVD ) Muse - Showbiz Kelly Chen - Shining Days ( present for friend ) Muse - Origin Of Symmetry planning on getting Coldplay - X & Y
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    what's this whole 'waking up in the morning' craze? morning is when people should be sleeping.
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    Nightlife comes out in September. I haven't played Sims 2 in ages.
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    wat is it the youth of today really want

    people who do stunts like in Jackass lined up for a firing squad and shot for New Years Eve celebrations.