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  1. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    Hahaha, its something that my school's old principal started a couple of years ago, to try and “promote" the school. I don't think she realised it turned off more people than it turned on. It's pretty much like a normal school week, only during lunch time there's a different activity...
  2. chocolate_lover

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    I'd give his hair and beard a 0/10. How can u think it looks good?!? By any chance are you blind?
  3. chocolate_lover

    WHat are your goals, what do you want to be when you leave school?

    *Quickly grabs all the chocolate muffins* Hahaha, take that everyone!:)
  4. chocolate_lover

    Half Yearly Exams!

    I'm going on an Ag camp. (It will be the first camp that i've been to while at high school!! My year advisors r so slack :() lol, the bus trip down to bathurst is going to drive the teacher crazy, with lots of bus songs! :D:D
  5. chocolate_lover

    NRL : The Official NRL Thread 2006

    Why doesn't he play that well for the Roosters? :confused:
  6. chocolate_lover

    Committments other than academic?

    Hahaha, this has been quoted 5 times! (Twice by Franz...) I think people agree with you! By the way, this is the 6th time! :)
  7. chocolate_lover

    Half Yearly Exams!

    Lol, accidently. :lol:
  8. chocolate_lover

    WHat are your goals, what do you want to be when you leave school?

    Maybe it was about basketcase89!! (Yeah, i know SHE is a girl, and AIDS and cancer are different, but still...) Also, i never knew so many cures could be found in the Amazon! Has anyone else found any other cures there??
  9. chocolate_lover

    Half Yearly Exams!

    Yay, go us! :)
  10. chocolate_lover

    Committments other than academic?

    I agree! :)
  11. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    Hahaha, my school started doing that too! and *hids from the scary m0ofin-stealer*
  12. chocolate_lover

    Half Yearly Exams!

    you're so mean! :angry:
  13. chocolate_lover

    Prelim Help-Heart rates

    Thanx a lot! :)
  14. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    *shouts "Look over there!" to distract you* then *steals your m0ofins*
  15. chocolate_lover

    Half Yearly Exams!

    I've still got to do all of mine! :eek:
  16. chocolate_lover

    How was your school day?

    I don't go to the carnivals either! Actually, on the day of the swimming carnival, I went to the RTA, got my Learner's! :)
  17. chocolate_lover

    WHat are your goals, what do you want to be when you leave school?

    Can i please have a free coffee too? Pretty pretty please? With sugar on top? ;)
  18. chocolate_lover

    Prelim Help-Heart rates

    In PD/H/PE, we're doing "The Body in Motion" and last lesson we got 2 people (subject A and B) to run and walk on a treadmill, while everyone else in the class recorded what their heart rate was every minute. We then got a series of questions: 1.Explain the heart rate changes during the...
  19. chocolate_lover

    everybody gets one

    Yeah, i like savage garden too :) And a couple of the following artists songs: kelly clarkson, avril and the veronicas. Oh yeah and Enya <<my mum has some of her CDs :)